The Texas Catholic Herald

Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston

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January 9, 2018

New Year’s Resolutions in a life of faith

With the coming of the new year, we are a people quick to make resolutions to better ourselves.

January 9, 2018

A New Year, a fresh start

We have made it to 2018! We have faced that time of the year when we go through the dreaded process of making a New Year’s resolution.

January 9, 2018

Considering the Sign of the Cross

Do we take for granted the Sign of the Cross?

January 9, 2018

Storm-delayed Shepherd’s Cup Golf Classic set for April 18

Among the multitude of rebuilding since Hurricane Harvey, Kingwood Country Club had to remodel its flooded clubhouse and delayed the Shepherd’s Cup, now rescheduled for Wednesday, April 18.

December 26, 2017

OACE: A glance behind and the road ahead

As we celebrate this Christmas Season, I cannot help to take a moment and reflect on what a change 2017 has had on myself.

December 26, 2017

Origins and meaning of the Christmas nativity scene

Christmas nativity scenes are among the most common things associated with the season that we encounter at Christmastime. They are in shopping centers and in front yards.

December 26, 2017

What we learned from being World Series Champs

It’s hard to believe it has been less than two months since the Astros won the World Series. It was an exhilarating ride in the month of October watching our team arrive at the pinnacle of the baseball world. Many of us had spent our whole lives following this team and finally have a chance to celebrate!

December 26, 2017

122 Days Later: Parishes, agencies still leading outreach efforts

More than four months following the landfall and subsequent devastation of Hurricane Harvey, the return to “normalcy” for thousands of families around the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston remains a great challenge.

December 26, 2017

Evangelization Commission equips the called

To accomplish the Great Commission that Jesus set forth for all Christians, “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations” (Matt 28:19), the Evangelization Commission of the Archdiocese is responsible for equipping the faithful that are called to carry out this mission.

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