The Texas Catholic Herald

Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston

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November 12, 2024

Anti-poverty program creates paths to the margins

As the Catholic Church commemorates the World Day of the Poor on Nov. 17, dioceses across the U.S. will take up the U.S. bishops' annual collection on Nov. 17 to 18 for their anti-poverty program, the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD), including Galveston-Houston.

November 12, 2024

Camp Kappe fosters spiritual renewal among the pines in Plantersville for young Catholics

Four generations of Catholics have cherished their experiences at Camp Kappe Youth Retreat Center, where they have deepened their faith and reconnected with God, one another and His beautiful creation.

November 12, 2024

POMETTO: Stir into flame the grace of the Eucharistic Congress

Even if you didn't attend the Eucharistic Congress, the Holy Spirit can inspire grace and action through the Eucharist to fan the flame of faith.

November 12, 2024

HERRERA: La virtud de la gratitud

En esta fiesta de celebración, es el tiempo para dar gracias a Dios por todas las bendiciones derramadas, la gratitud es una de las mayores medicinas espirituales que toda persona puede aplicar.

October 22, 2024

Bishops’ mental health campaign gains local focus

Catholic bishops in the U.S. are working to improve the lives of those with mental illness and their families by combating social stigma in seeking medication and treatment.

October 22, 2024

Panel explores 40 years of Vatican-U.S. diplomatic relations

Nearly 200 people attended a gathering at St. Mary’s Seminary with Ken Hackett, former U.S. Ambassador to the Holy See; James Baker, who served as U.S. Secretary of State in George H.W. Bush’s cabinet, and St. Mary’s Seminary Vice Rector Father Matthew G. Súniga, who served as moderator.

October 22, 2024

Strengthening priestly ministry through mentorship, ongoing pastoral care

Mentorship for recently ordained priests is vital in establishing strong foundations and providing essential support to help them become compassionate and effective shepherds of their flock.

October 22, 2024

Learning to lead others to walk with Jesus in joy

Mackenzie Warrens, one of three Perpetual Pilgrims from Houston, reflects on her journey on the St. Juan Diego Route of the National Eucharistic Pilgrimage.

October 22, 2024

AUZENNE: Choosing the harder way

In the face of another bitter partisan election, how do we discern our vote through the light of the Gospel?

October 22, 2024

KERLIN: Generations of faith

As time goes on, faith can change and grow as its passed down from one generation to another.

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