Ministry to Priests

Father Thomas "Tom" Rafferty, Director
Office: 713-403-4106

The Office of Ministry to Priests offers pastoral care and coordination of the Archdiocesan programs and activities which support and strengthen the priestly life and ministry of the presbyterate of the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston. 

The Ministry to Priests supports the priests of the Archdiocese, diocesan and religious, in their ongoing spiritual, fraternal and pastoral development. The Director serves as a "priest for priests," providing resources for spiritual direction, sacramental reconciliation, priests support groups, the mentoring of new/early ordained priests, the visitation of elderly and infirm priests, and the acculturation process for international missionary priests. He coordinates days of prayer, annual retreats; offers consultation to the Priests Personnel Committee and the Ongoing Formation of Priests Committee. He invites fraternity and hospitality to all priests serving the local Church of Galveston-Houston.

Click here for more information for International Priests.