The Texas Catholic Herald

Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston

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April 28, 2020

AQUINAS: An Easter united in prayer

For many of us, in this time of pandemic, our Lenten season became something we did not expect, writes Sister Thomas Aquinas.

April 28, 2020

OCHOA: CRS Rice Bowl helps those in need through COVID-19 crisis

Hilda Ochoa reflects on the spiritual benefits of the CRS Rice Bowl project, even during a pandemic

April 28, 2020

PARSONS: Caring for the seafarers from home during quarantine

Galveston Port Chaplain Karen Parsons reflects on how changes in her ministry due to COVID-19 have affected how she reaches those in need in the Port of Galveston.

April 28, 2020

OCHOA: Gracias por recorrer esta cuaresma con nosotros

La Cuaresma del 2020 ha sido muy diferente a cualquier otra que hayamos experimentado con anterioridad.

April 28, 2020

SALAZAR: ¿Qué signos haces para que veamos y creamos en ti?

Esta pregunta fue de la gente. ¿Cuál gente? La gente que buscaba a Jesús. ¿Y por qué le buscaban? ¿Por el pan, los signos o los milagros? El evangelista Juan a la altura del capítulo 6 verso 30 plantea esta cuestión: ¿qué necesitas ver para creer en Jesús?

April 14, 2020

Embracing Easter: A living church of 'paschal' Joy

Easter has arrived. Though the coronavirus pandemic has upended the world’s schedule, the life of the Catholic Church continues into this new liturgical season. Catholics, as one family of Easter people, across the Archdiocese are living out their faith in the Gospel message in powerful ways.

April 14, 2020

Despite pandemic, ‘grace is flowing no matter what,” Houston priest says

At St. Joseph and St. Stephen parishes, Father Victor Perez works to minister to his parishioners.

April 14, 2020

Archdiocesan agencies lead efforts to provide social, medical services

In addition to the many social services provided at parishes, Archdiocesan agencies continue to actively provide needed assistance to thousands throughout Galveston-Houston.

April 14, 2020

Love in the time of coronavirus: Couple marries in Richmond parish before state-wide shutdown

On March 24, the eve of the Solemnity of the Annunciation, Annie and Roberto Vasquez joined their hands in marriage at St. John Fisher Catholic Church in Richmond. It wasn’t what they planned, but Annie still walked down the aisle, wearing a gorgeous white lace wedding dress and carrying light-colored roses.

April 14, 2020

In addition to the Sacraments, a ‘plenitude’ of grace still available, Texas Medican Center-area priest says

At St. Vincent de Paul parish in Houston near the Texas Medical Center, Father David Hust, joined Father Perez in offering his priestly ministry in extraordinary ways.

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