The Texas Catholic Herald

Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston

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January 15, 2013

Seven seas, one body in Christ

Port centers serve as model for Christian faiths working together to spread the Gospel to world’s mariners.

January 15, 2013

All deserve forgiveness

Project Rachel outreach effort targets women with abortion history to help heal, foster reconciliation.

December 25, 2012

Navidando. ¡¿Alguien nos la robó?!

Durante estos días de efervescencia navideña, creo que ya es una realidad, y lo digo con apenado acento, hablar de Noche Buena, sin necesariamente incluir el protagonista original y el anfitrión de esta celebración.

December 25, 2012

Archdiocese seeks advocacy ‘Archangels’ from local Church to be leaders in community

With Texas Legislature set to begin next month, state bishops look to faithful citizens to head grass roots effort.

December 25, 2012

Prayer, education for vocations focus of awareness week

The Catholic Church in the United States will celebrate National Vocation Awareness Week Jan. 13 to 19. The annual event earmarks a time for parishes to consider their role in promoting the role of priests, deacons and religious order brothers and sisters to Catholics deciding on their future.

December 20, 2012

Roman Missal a ‘smooth’ implementation

Years, months of preparation for implementation of Missal translation pays off for Archdiocese

December 20, 2012

2011: A Year in Review

In this last edition of the Texas Catholic Herald for the calendar year, we look back at the news and events that marked a year of constant renewal in the local Church.

December 11, 2012

Nuestro regalo de Navidad es el niño Jesus

Cada año después del día de Acción de Gracias en los Estados Unidos contamos con el conocido “Black Friday,” apoteósica ocasion que nos ofrece la oportunidad de comprar una gran variedad de productos a precios a veces increíbles, todo para procurar que demos y recibamos también regalos de otras personas en Navidad.

December 11, 2012

The true gift: Surrendering to God

Every year, the day after Thanksgiving in the United States we have the now-famous “Black Friday,” a day in which we have the opportunity to purchase a variety of products at sometimes incredible prices to assist us in obtaining gifts to give to others for Christmas.

December 11, 2012

Advent also a time for reconciliation

In the midst of all the usual non-spiritual preparations of the season — decorating, buying of gifts, cleaning, cooking, etc. — the Church invites us to spiritually prepare ourselves to celebrate the nativity of our Lord. Beyond the hustle and bustle that accompanies the season in an increasingly secularized culture lies a message of ultimate love: the nativity reminds us of God’s faithful love for us, of his promise of old that a Savior would be sent to redeem us. For us who are called to live on this world, but not belong to it (2 Cor 10:3), responding to this message requires an intentional preparation.

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