The Texas Catholic Herald

Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston

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April 10, 2018

Joy: Archdiocese celebrates the Paschal Mystery

Joy colors Easter Season: The Easter Triduum is the most important part of the Church year. From Holy Thursday through Easter Sunday, Catholics around the world commemorate the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

April 10, 2018

St. John Vianney parish to host namesake's relic

The incorrupt heart of St. John Marie Vianney will visit the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston for a three-day period. Father Patrice Antoine Chocholski, rector of The Shrine at Ars in France where St. John Vianney served, will accompany the relic. The first-class relic, which is typically kept with the saint's incorrupt body in France, will be available on April 14 to April 16 at the St. John Vianney Catholic Church, located at 625 Nottingham Oaks Trail in Houston.

March 27, 2018

Magnificat Houses marks 50 years of serving Houston’s homeless

From one to many, MHI grows to continue serving Houston’s homeless communities

March 27, 2018

SALAZAR: Una semana santa desde la realidad hispana

No solo era la parroquia, sino todo el pueblo, la ciudad, el calendario cívico y hasta el mismo gobierno observando los días asuetos de la semana santa, por no decir, los días santos para todo mundo.

March 27, 2018

Sean “verdaderos aventureros” como testigos de Cristo y María, dice DiNardo a los catequistas en el simposio de AGAPE

Miles de catequistas y testigos de habla hispa de pie, aplaudiendo y cantando junto con el guitarrista Rafael Moreno levantaron el techo del Centro de Convenciones George R. Brown con el artista presentado regularmente en EWTN Radio Católica Mundial.

March 27, 2018

DOLCE: Lent is really hard, but Lent’s journey brightens Easter’s joy

Much like New Year’s resolutions, I find myself two weeks into the journey reevaluating what I plan on giving up and sacrificing to grow in holiness. I have doubts like “Why did I give this up?” Or “What was I thinking when I thought this would be a good idea?”

March 27, 2018

NGUYEN: Good News -- Fruits from the Seminary

The labor of many supporters of St. Mary's Seminary yield great fruit.

March 27, 2018

300 young adults serve as ‘hands and feet’ of Christ across Houston

300 young adults helped serve 13 local organizations, in turn affecting hundreds of others at the 2018 Archdiocesan Young Adult Day of Service

March 27, 2018

Be ‘true adventurers’ as witnesses for Christ and Mary, DiNardo tells catechists at AGAPE symposium

Thousands of Spanish-speaking catechists and witnesses standing, clapping and singing along with guitarist Rafael Moreno raised the roof of the George R. Brown Convention Center with the performer regularly featured on EWTN Radio Catolica Mundial.

March 27, 2018

More than 95 years of volunteerism helps keep Houston healthy at San José Clinic

For the last 95 years, volunteers have been working alongside clinic staff to drive the continued growth and success of the charity care clinic. The value of the total volunteer support provided to the clinic last year was more than $1 million – an enormous blessing for the charity, which receives no governmental funding of any kind.

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