The Texas Catholic Herald

Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston

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March 6, 2016

Local seminarians prove to be good sports in various competitions

Beyond the chapel and classrooms, seminarians at St. Mary’s Seminary are testing their athletic gifts in various competitions around the state and nation.

February 21, 2016

Houston deacon presents healthy benefits of prayer in Cuba

On Dec. 9, 2015 a historic event took place in Cuba when religion was presented to the University of Havana, via the School of Medical Science, for the first time in over 50 years since the revolution. It was also historic because the Archdiocese of Havana and the University of Havana jointly sponsored the event with Jaime Cardinal Ortega of Havana present at the opening session.

February 21, 2016

Texas Catholic Conference hosts Houston federal town hall on payday lending; files SCOTUS brief with USCCB on abortion law case

The devastating impacts of predatory lending practices on Texas’ poor attracted U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Director Richard Cordray to join a Houston townhall meeting hosted by the Texas Catholic Conference (TCC) Payday Lending Roadshow on January 19.

February 21, 2016

APC focuses on serving needs of laity in Houston

The new tagline, “One in Christ…from me to we,” for the Archdiocesan Pastoral Plan formulated by the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston Pastoral Council (APC) epitomizes Christ’s vision that, “We, though many, are one body in Christ” (Romans 12:5).

February 21, 2016

13th annual Bishop Rizzotto Golf Classic helps religious, elderly at St. Dominic Village

Retired Auxiliary Bishop Vincent Rizzotto has developed a passion for golf that goes way beyond the Archdiocese where his namesake tournament is played. In fact Bishop Rizzotto, who is celebrating his 60th year in the priesthood, said, “Our goal for this year’s tournament is to hold the grandest and most successful tournament in the 13 years since that first one.”

February 21, 2016

Law student credits The Cardinal’s Circle for Catholic education

Dreams come true beginning with a seed of hope. Mathew Mendoza had access to this seed of hope through the support of The Cardinal’s Circle, a program funded by donors with a vested interest in Catholic education.

February 21, 2016

New Pro-Life director pledges to unite groups

The new director of the Archdiocese’s Pro-Life Activities Office pledged to bring groups outside and within the Church together to tackle pro-life issues from abortion to euthanasia, ensuring everyone is heard while uniting them behind common goals.

February 17, 2016

‘The Lights are On’ in the Archdiocese, March 4

In order to provide the faithful with opportunities to experience the mercy and forgiveness of the loving Father in and through the Sacrament of Reconciliation, Daniel Cardinal DiNardo has marked Friday, March 4, from 6 to 11 p.m. as the day to celebrate “The Lights are On for You“ in parishes of the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston.

February 7, 2016

Feb. 20 race brings Houston communities together

Pope Francis calls upon every Catholic to support Catholic education. In the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston, the Steps for Students 5K Run is the largest celebration of Catholic education that provides the opportunity to answer that call.

February 7, 2016

Gratitude, reconciliation and service focus of couples’ conference

If attendance at last year’s first couples’ conference “Together in Holiness” is anything to go by, would-be participants shouldn’t wait until the last minute to sign up.

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