The Texas Catholic Herald

Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston

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April 16, 2013

Pastoral Plan objectives approved

In February, members of the Integration Task Group, the chair of the Archdiocesan Pastoral Council (APC), and the chair of the Implementation Oversight Group (IOG) presented nine objectives to Daniel Cardinal DiNardo for approval.

March 26, 2013

Easter joy in the new evangelization

During Sunday Mass Catholics throughout the world proclaim their belief in Jesus Christ’s resurrection by saying, “On the third day He rose again in accordance with the Scriptures.”

March 26, 2013

Young people answer the call to imitate Christ

As the leaders of the Catholic Church gathered in Rome to discern a new leader, the young Church of Galveston-Houston gathered for their own discernment of leadership.

March 26, 2013

The Cardinal’s Circle offers every family an opportunity for Catholic school education

Jeff and Anna Courville have always felt a call to support Catholic education — and when they learned of The Cardinal’s Circle, they saw it as the perfect avenue to do just that.

March 26, 2013

Hundreds to descend on Austin for Catholic Advocacy Day

Agenda upholds sanctity of life, protects poor and vulnerable.

March 26, 2013

We are an Easter people

Easter is a time for Christians to mark the most important event in the history of humanity and to find ways of proclaiming Christ to the world.

March 12, 2013

Learning to love like Christ

There is much excitement in the Church right now as we continue to journey through a Lenten season amid world history unfolding.

March 12, 2013

Catholic Schools Spotlight: Our Lady of Fatima School in Texas City

The defining characteristic of Our Lady of Fatima School (Co-ed, 3K-7) is one that embraces the Holy Spirit throughout the generations of students who have received a spiritual and academic education at the Texas City Catholic school.

March 12, 2013

5 Minutes With Father Gerald Kelly, M.M.

On Feb. 9, Father Gerald Kelly, M.M., was the honoree of the 2013 “Voices of Hope” gala event, presented by Sending Out Servants (SOS) and the Guardian Angel Fund.

March 12, 2013

Cardinal DiNardo dedicates Feast of the Chair of Peter Mass to Pope Benedict XVI

On Feb. 22, Daniel Cardinal DiNardo dedicated the Feast of the Chair of St. Peter Mass at the Co-Cathedral of the Sacred Heart to now Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI.

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