The Texas Catholic Herald

Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston

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June 14, 2022

ADAMS: A few good teens - Join the Archdiocesan Youth Council

Originally called Youth Ambassadors for Christ, or YAC for short, the youth explored ways to use their gifts and engage others throughout the Archdiocese to serve on the diocesan and parish level.

June 14, 2022

ROMERO: Welcoming young adults as a pilgrim host

Taking on the role of being a host does not only mean welcoming but also taking care of that person for the time they are visiting, making them feel at home. With that same spirit, we must act in our spiritual home.

June 14, 2022

MESSINA: And after the fire came a gentle whisper

We love the fire and wind, the drama of Pentecost! We can imagine the roaring sound emanating from the Upper Room, reaching the ears of those gathered in Jerusalem, both drawing and confusing them.

June 14, 2022

GARCIA-LUENSE: Growing in faith during the summer isn’t just for kids

Why don’t we, as adults, also think that our summer schedules could be opportunities for us to grow in our faith in different ways?

May 24, 2022

‘Humbled by the calling’: Meet the three men set to be ordained as priests June 4

Deacons Christopher Meyer, Luis Garcia and Jacob Ramirez — after years of academic and spiritual challenges — are set to be ordained as priests by Daniel Cardinal DiNardo on June 4 for the Archdiocese.

May 24, 2022

Catholic Chaplain Corps helps bring Jesus’ presence to 100,000-plus

Through the efforts of trained clergy and laity, the ministry of the Archdiocese that is a source of hope and consolation for the infirmed, imprisoned, aged and dying is the Catholic Chaplain Corps (CCC).

May 24, 2022

More than 970 graduate at UST commencement celebrations

UST’s 75th anniversary gala raises a record $2.4 million to support tuition assistance, programs

May 24, 2022

Vatican: Pope to visit Indigenous in Canada in late July

Pope Francis will meet members of Canada’s Indigenous communities in late July. Here's why.

May 24, 2022

Eucharistic preachers seek to inspire the faithful to encounter Jesus

Priests soon will be fanning out to dioceses across the country to inspire deeper reflection on the gift of the Eucharist to the Church.

May 24, 2022

ERICKSON: May is the month for Marian consecrations

Now that we’re in May, we should remember that it’s Mary’s month. This month is a special opportunity to make a consecration to her most Immaculate Heart.

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