The Digest - The Texas Catholic Herald Newsletter

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When you sign up for The Digest, the newsletter of the Texas Catholic Herald, you'll receive a curated lineup of headlines, news and updates about the Catholic Church in Galveston-Houston every other Tuesday, keeping you up-to-date with the Catholic Church you care about and the communities that you love. 

The Texas Catholic Herald prints twice a month during the school year, and once a month during the summer. We also publish breaking or other important announcements from the Archdiocese.

Sign up for The Digest and get all this, and more, for free! 

Marian Prayer Promo: Sign up for The Digest and get a free digital copy of our Rosary Guide, a handy guide to our favorite Marian devotion!

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For more than 60 years, the Texas Catholic Herald has been proclaiming the Good News to the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston. Learn more about our history and how to contact our staff.

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