The Office of Aging is a ministry of the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston and is guided by the beliefs and practices of the Catholic Church. Services and Programs are open to all older people over the age of 50 and the people who love and care for them.


We envision a world where all older adults are seen, heard, valued and loved.


We identify the needs and gifts of older adults and provide programs and services to meet those needs and engage the gifts of our seniors.


 Jesus tells us in John 15:17, "This is my command: Love each other." Pope Francis describes the church saying, our mission is love. Our purpose in the Office of Aging is to extend love to older adults by seeing the image of God in each person we meet and reflecting the love of God to all.


Newsletter - Senior Chatter

Photo Gallery


End of Life Seminar - June 2023

Documents You Cannon Live (or Die) Without - (pdf file)


End-of-Life Care Planning Resources

End-of-Life Planning Checklist
End-of-Life Care Planning Guide: A Comprehensive Resource  

End-of-Life Care Planning Video Mini-Series


Pastoral Care of the Sick

Understand the Church’s pastoral guidelines for receiving the Sacrament of the Sick and End-of-Life spiritual care
Speaker:  Sandy Higgins

Sacrament of the Sick Guidelines
End-of-Life Family Prayer Resources
Can I donate my body to science?


Funeral Rite

Know the Catholic communal ritual for planning and celebrating funeral rites
Speaker:  Sandy Higgins

Funeral Planning Information
Scripture Readings for Funeral Masses
Songs for Funerals



Learn the Catholic understanding and practices for final disposition of the body
Speaker: Sandy Higgins

Chrisitan Funeral Rites and Cremation


Funeral Planning

End-of-Life Pastoral Care & Funeral Planning


Catholic Cemeteries

Know burial options at the Archdiocesan Catholic Cemeteries

Catholic Cemeteries Presentation

Caregiving Tips During COVID-19

Download a List of Caregiving Area Resources


Developing a Caregiver Plan
Understand the practical steps & spiritual/community resources in providing support as people age

Contact Information for Community Providers


Aging in Place Seminar - Sept. 17, 2022
St. Maximilian Kolbe Catholic Church

Choosing Quality Home Care.
Know your options to support your home care and how to pay for it.


Memory Care: Managing Memory Loss. Learn what is normal vs. not normal memory loss and how to communicate with someone who has a memory loss disorder.

Downsizing with a Purpose. Develop manageable steps for decluttering/downsizing and the costs for extra help.
Download the Presentation Slides

Protecting Yourself from Scams.  Learn how to protect yourself from 10 of the most common scams.  
Download the Presentation Slides