Using stewardship and effective communications to engage the faithful of your parish

2024 Conference Theme: "Building Communities of Trust"

Saturday, Aug. 3
9:00 a.m. - 3:45 p.m.
St. Anne Catholic Church
Houston, TX

Cost: $10 per person, includes keynote, 20+ workshops in both English and Spanish, lunch, and more!
Free for clergy!


Online registrations are now closed.
Walk-ins accepted - $10 cash or check at the door.


A conference for clergy, parish staff, stewardship committees, pastoral councils, finance councils, and anyone who wants to learn how to invite parishioners into a deeper participation in parish life.


For each person, it is different.

Maybe engaging in parish life means moving from being a one-time volunteer to committing to a ministry. Maybe it means giving $10 a week instead of $5. Perhaps it means attending Mass every Sunday instead of once or twice a month. Maybe it's a decision to pray more and possibly attend an adult faith formation class.

No matter how they choose to grow, the role of the parish is to reach out, invite, and provide opportunities for people to connect with one another and with the Church.

By drawing them into a deeper participation in parish life, we can be more impactful and prolific in our ministries.

Join us for an amazing day of ideas, insights, and best practices to help connect with others, enliven the faithful, and learn how to use the tenets of stewardship and effective communications to engage the faithful of your parish.



Keynote Presenter:

Matthew Warner is the founder of Flocknote, an innovative communication and all-in-one software solution helping over ten thousand churches and dioceses better connect with their flocks. He’s on a mission to help the Church communicate better, spending the last twenty years on pastoral councils, leading ministries, traveling all over the country speaking to thousands of church leaders, podcasting, blogging, writing books, and creating innovative media projects that have engaged countless people. He writes at and is the author of Why They Follow and Messy & Foolish: How to Make a Mess, Be a Fool, and Evangelize the World. He, his wife, and their six children hang their hats in Texas.


Workshops on topics such as:

Connecting with Gen Z Catholics

Engaging the Whole Family in Parish Life

Hospitality Ministry That Truly Welcomes Others

Advancement vs. Fundraising

Using Data and Analytics for Better Parish Engagement

Designing with Purpose

Understanding the Needs and Wants of Your Parishioners

Is it Time to Build a New Building?

How to Write Emails People Will Actually Read

Effective Recruitment and Training of Volunteers

Using AI Tools to Increase Engagement

How to Ask for Monday - and Have Fun!

Connecting with Hispanic Youth and Young Adults

Optimizing Evangelization Through the Parish Bulletin

Creating a Volunteer Media Team

Creating a Parish Strategy for Evangelization

Crecer del servicio a la entrega de sí

Involucrar a las familias en la vida parroquial​​​​

¿Qué podemos hacer como comunidad para integrar a los jóvenes y adolescentes en la vida parroquial?

and more...


Feedback from last year's conference:

"The facilities, speakers, volunteers, and overall program were excellent. I think this is an OUTSTANDING way to make learning on stewardship, communication and engagement available to the local Church."

"I loved the opportunity to visit with members of parish staffs across the city. Those conversations are always validating and fruitful and most importantly, encouraging!"

"The workshops that I attended were beyond amazing. Great options/topics to choose from."

"I learned so much that I was able to take back to my parish and start using immediately."

"As a parish council member, it gave me insight on how to work with the parish staff to effectively motivate the people in our pews."

"As a young priest, it was extremely beneficial to hear ideas and insights on how to best reach our parishioners and lead them into a more full participation in the life of the parish."


Online registrations are now closed.
Walk-ins accepted - $10 cash or check at the door.

Conference Sponsors

Platinum Sponsor

Gold Sponsors


Silver Sponsors


Bronze Sponsors





Brought to you by the Archdiocesan Development Office and the Office of Communications


For more information:

Sean O'Driscoll
Office of Communications

Michael Schillaci
Development Office