The Texas Catholic Herald

Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston

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July 9, 2024

Eucharistic Adoration: A treasure of the faith

Suppose you were told that Jesus wanted to meet with you personally for an hour at your parish. Who would say no to such an invitation?

July 9, 2024

Eight things to do during Eucharistic Adoration

Sometimes it can be challenging to imagine ways to fill an hour of prayer during private Eucharistic adoration, so here are eight suggestions for what to do during a holy hour.

July 9, 2024

Spirit of Catholic compassion shines at St. Dominic Village senior living community

The spirit of compassion and care of Jesus shines brightly in the hearts of those serving at St. Dominic Village, located in the Texas Medical Center.

July 9, 2024

Archdiocesan Prayer Breakfast speaker reminds faithful of ‘good news in a noisy world’

Hundreds of local Catholics gathered in faith and fellowship for the June 21 Archdiocesan Prayer Breakfast at the Hilton Americas-Houston in downtown Houston.

July 9, 2024

Summer enrichment program celebrates 30 years of excellence, wisdom and creativity

Celebrating 30 years in the Archdiocese, rising third through sixth graders from local Catholic schools were given the opportunity to spend three weeks over the summer in an intensive academic enrichment program at The DeBusk Enrichment Center for Academically Talented Scholars (DECATS Houston).

July 9, 2024

Catholic school superintendent bids farewell after 30-plus years of service in Catholic education

Debra Haney caps off three decades of service to Catholic education

July 9, 2024

More than 100 Catholic students learn ‘fearless’ writing during summer camps

Houston Catholic school students Eden Ting, whose parents are originally from Malaysia, and Carlos Martinez, with his mother from El Salvador, consider themselves “introverted” but are finding their voices through summer writing workshops.

July 9, 2024

OCHOA: Mission Cooperative Plan — ‘One in Christ’

One way the Archdiocese supports good works internationally is through the annual Mission Cooperative Plan.

July 9, 2024

BARROW: ‘If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed’

Knowing the painful history of institutionalized racism against African Americas in the nation and Mother Church, it prompts the question: What does a Black Catholic know of freedom?

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