Metropolitan Tribunal

The Archdiocesan Metropolitan Tribunal, as defined in Canon Law, is an extension of the Archbishop's Judicial Ministry of the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston and, as such, is concerned in a special way with the quest for justice. Grounded upon, and obedient to, the Magisterial teachings of the Church, the Metropolitan Tribunal serves as a means of delineating responsibilities and protecting rights as they are authentically proclaimed and legitimately codified in Church Law. 

In addition to studying requests for nullity petitions, and Privilege of the Faith petitions, other services include:

  • Acts as a resource to the Archbishop in canonical matters.
  • Serves as a consultative agency for priests, religious, and laity regarding canonical policy.
  • Assists agencies and institutions of the Archdiocese with information of policy or programs related to marriages.
  • Serves as a public relations agency and/or a source of information with regards to canonical matters.
  • Serves as Court of First Instance for petitions challenging the validity of marriages and adjudicating the rights of physical and juridic persons.
  • Serves as Court of Second Instance for non-matrimonial cases that are not reserved to the Holy See.

Nullity Case Sponsor Training 2025

Information About Annulments

Types of Petition Forms

Request Church Certificates

Securing Civil Documents

Ways to Locate Former Spouses



Metropolitan Tribunal Staff

Judicial Vicar
Very Rev. R. Lucien Millette, J.C.L.

Promoter of Justice
Very Rev. Trung Nguyen,  J.C.L.

Ms. Anne Bryant, J.C.L.

Very Rev. Lawrence W. Jozwiak, J.C.L. 
Rev. Trung V. Nguyen, J.C.L.
Rev. Thu Ngoc Nguyen, J.C.L.
Rev. Stanly Francis, S.A.C., J.C.L.
Rev. Alberto A. Maullon, Jr., J.C.L.
Mr. Ryan Fitzgerald, J.C.L.

Defenders of the Bond
Mr. Jose Garcia, J.C.L.
Rev. Mark Gazin, C.S.B., J.C.L.

Office Staff
Donna Grupa
Jennifer Nguyen
Karina Herrera-Inzunza
Cheva Cervantes
Liliana Guevara
Cecilia-Tien Dao
Nancy Alvarez

Mailing Address:

Metropolitan Tribunal
P.O. Box 907
Houston, TX 77001-0907

713-807-9296 - Fax