Family Life Ministry

Welcome to the Family Life Ministry of the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston!

We are committed to offering support and nurturing throughout all the phases of family life. Our initiatives and programs help engaged and married couples respond to God’s call to a joyful life of love for the good of their families, the Church, and our society at large.

We invite all clergy and parish staff, married and engaged couples, and parents to consider the Family Life Ministry as their partner in this beautiful journey of forming, revealing, enjoying, and protecting our communities of love present in every home.

Our caring and compassionate ministers accompany couples and families as they seek to better understand what it means to be a member of God’s Domestic Church and find answers to the following life questions:


To receive notification on our upcoming events, please join our mailing list using the icon below.

Upcoming Events


January 17 & 18, 2025 - Discussing Sexuality with your Children

We invite you to a parental dive into the Theology of the Body of St. John Paul II

Rediscover the meaning of life, love, dignity, contemporary examples in the context of today’s society impacting your children. Featuring Kathleen Cory, from Ruah Woods Institute, and specialty parenting sessions coordinated by the Office of Family Life.

Explore topics such as Human in the order of Creation, parents as Jesus’ disciples, techniques for having meaningful conversations with your children, and more.

Registration fee $150 per couple or $100 per person.

Includes food, materials, facilitation of sessions throughout the workshop, certificate of participation will be provided upon completion of the workshop.



Hola, te queremos dar la bienvenida a la página del Ministerio de Vida Familiar de la Arquidiócesis de Galveston-Houston.  

Estamos aquí para brindar apoyo y ofrecer los nutrientes necesarios para el desarrollo de la familia a través de sus distintas etapas. El objetivo de nuestros programas es ayudar a las parejas comprometidas y a los matrimonios a responder al llamado de Dios a llevar una vida jovial y amorosa para el bien de sus familias, de la Iglesia y de nuestra sociedad en general. 


Para recibir notificaciones sobre nuestros próximos eventos, regístrese en nuestra lista de correo usando el ícono.


Proximos eventos

1 de febrero, 2025 - Retiro de duelo: El Circulo de la Mariposa

¡Para ti! Que has perdido un ser querido.

El retiro el circulo de la mariposa es un espacio para compartir con personas que atraviesan una situación de perdida y a través del encuentro con el amor de Jesús, el amor del prójimo y amor por el mismo pueda encontrar un nuevo sentido de la vida, dándole un propósito a su dolor, fortaleciendo su fe y descubriendo la presencia de Dios aun en medio del dolor.

Ubicación: Iglesia San Juan Diego | Salón - Cafetería

3301 Pasadena Blvd, Pasadena, TX 77503

Costo: $55 por persona