Office of Communications

The Archdiocesan Secretariat for Communications is responsible for communicating all official news and information about the Archdiocese. The Secretariat's mission is to share the Gospel message of God's boundless love with Catholics and non-Catholics alike, through words of hope, images of Christ's work and modern communication tools.

The Secretariat serves as the official "voice" of the Archdiocese on issues related to the Catholic Church and on Archdiocesan events, programs, and services. The Secretariat also facilitates official Chancery communication with Archdiocesan parishes, schools, offices and departments.

The Secretariat for Communications is divided into the following branches:

Media Relations

The Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston offers a variety of resources to credentialed members of the print and broadcast news media regarding the events, people and parishes that make up the Archdiocese. The Media Relations Team is the point of contact for all credentialed media requests or inquiries and provides information to the press, arranging for all media interviews regarding local Catholic news, and handles any requests to film or take photographs for news-gathering or media purposes in any parish or Archdiocesan entity. This team prepares and distributes statements and other resources to the media, responds to media queries, and credentialed media for coverage of major Archdiocesan events and parishes.

We encourage news media seeking information, statements, interview requests or possible story ideas to contact the Media Relations Manager.

Website and Social Media

The Website and Social Media division of the Secretariat for Communications is responsible for developing and maintaining the official website of the Archdiocese, This site provides information on all official Archdiocesan departments and their programs, as well as basic data on parishes and Catholic schools of the local Church. The Website division guides official social networking efforts for the Archdiocese and provides support for Archdiocesan departments employing social media in their ministries.

Texas Catholic Herald

The Texas Catholic Herald is the official newspaper of the Archdiocese, carrying news, feature stories and columns about local, national and world events to approximately 72,000 subscribers in the 10-county area of the Archdiocese.

It is also an instrument of the Archdiocese for informing and educating readers about the teachings of the Church. The newspaper publishes twice a month, with the exception of single issues in June, July and August.

Internal Communications

The Internal Communications division of the Communications Secretariat is responsible for: Archdiocesan advertising (in the Texas Catholic Herald and in external publications); Archdiocesan internal communications tools and branding; the annual Archdiocesan Directory; monitoring the official use of Archdiocesan images by internal and external parties; the Chancery Copy Center; and the Chancery Mail Room.

To obtain permission to use or copy any official Archdiocesan images (graphics, photos or artwork, including the Archdiocesan shield), you must receive permission from the Internal Communications division of the Archdiocese.



Communications Staff

Jonah Dycus
Secretariat Director of Communications

Sean O'Driscoll
Senior Communications Manager

Catherine Viola
Marketing & Internal Communications Manager

Marcus Norwood
Media Technician Coordinator

Texas Catholic Herald
Newsdesk: 713-652-8215
Fax: 713-659-3444

Rebecca Torrellas
Managing Editor

James Ramos
Multimedia Journalist & Digest Newsletter Editor