The Texas Catholic Herald

Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston

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June 12, 2018

Café Catholica 2018: Young adults rooted in love

Annual summer series kicks off July 9

June 12, 2018

Cardinal DiNardo congratulates 1,000 Hispanic women in educational program

More than 1,000 Hispanic immigrant women were congratulated by Daniel Cardinal DiNardo for participating in an educational program as they also applauded 150 graduating May 18 at the Catholic Charismatic Center.

June 12, 2018

Caring for retired priests, lives that embody the essence of giving

Each year as the number of clergy in the Catholic Church who reach the retirement age of 75 continues to increase, which is predicted to double over the next five to 10 years, primary importance is placed on the welfare of these men who have served God and His Church throughout their lifetime.

June 12, 2018

KATRA: Love the routine - Our God is a God of repetition

Many years ago I grew to embrace the fact that if God showed something to me that it was meant for me, not for my relatives, friends or colleagues. Knowing that God speaks to each of us in a multitude of ways, my repeatedly seeing this verse signified that it was meant for more than mere reading, or rereading, of the text.

June 12, 2018

KARASZEWSKI: Encountering, accompanying apostles on their mission

The “Theology of Encounter,” which Pope Francis has been talking about even before he became a pope, is not only to help young adults encounter Jesus in their own lives, but it is actually for us to encounter Jesus in the young adults we serve. To see their gifts and joys as our own gifts and joys, and to see their challenges and struggles as our own challenges and struggles.

June 12, 2018

ADAMS: Santa Fe Strong - Showing youth to ‘Love Thy Neighbor’

On May 18, I was pulling into the St. Dominic Chancery parking lot when the radio station announced there was an active shooter situation at Santa Fe High School. No details were given at that time. I said a prayer and headed into the building.

June 12, 2018

TCC: May our children be saints and heroes

The Catechism (2221-2231) provides an answer by teaching that my wife and I have the first duty to educate our children and that we fulfill our duty by filling our home with tenderness, forgiveness, respect, fidelity and disinterested service.

June 12, 2018

Funerals for Santa Fe victims still spark hope, prayers

The Santa Fe community both mourned and celebrated three of the heroes buried May 25th who lost their lives while standing strong facing evil acts that gunned them down.

May 22, 2018

Priesthood Ordination: Called to work in God’s vineyard

Four new priests to be ordained at upcoming June 2 ordination

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