The Texas Catholic Herald

Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston

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December 12, 2017

The call for peace in broader society remains critical

To ensure the Catholic voice is heard in matters of social concern among those living in the Archdiocese, the Office of Justice and Peace, created 15 years ago, has found that its mission is still relevant, if not more important, today.

December 12, 2017

Workshop for ministers, parents to help youth break free of pornography

When Father Sean Kilcawley gave his first homily on pornography to his parishioners, he never used the p-word. He plans to share his guidance on the sensitive topic of the vice of pornography as a growing addiction in society in an upcoming Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston workshop called “Pornography: How To Handle This Reality In My Ministry And My Family.”

December 12, 2017

Schools, sponsors express why they are thankful for Steps for Students

Thanksgiving heralds a time to be thankful for God’s abundant gifts. As the season of giving reigns supreme, schools begin to shift gears to focus on the biggest giving effort in the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston: Steps for Students. This annual event, which is on Feb. 17, 2018, brings Catholic schools and sponsors together to benefit and raise awareness for Catholic education.

December 12, 2017

Artist’s faith illuminated by theology, God’s providence

After designing yet another PowerPoint and some more worksheets for her high school students’ next lesson, Tricia Dugat decided to finally chase a dream. And then another dream.

December 12, 2017

A fiesta of color honors Our Lady of Guadalupe

The annual Archdiocesan Celebration of Our Lady of Guadalupe filled the streets of downtown Houston with colorful cultural displays and music of centuries-old Mexican tradition.

November 28, 2017

Diplomado MATER DEI en Liderazgo Catequético 2018

Un diplomado avanzado en teología y habilidades pastorales con profesores de universidades católicas y expertos pastorales. Nos reuniremos seis sábados por año (proceso dura dos años). Totalmente en español.

November 28, 2017

Niños anhelan hogar este Adviento

Incluso después de presentarse noticias sobre niños durmiendo en el piso en oficinas, o peor aún, sobre sus trágicas muertes, la crisis de crianza infantil temporal de Texas continúa.

November 28, 2017

Jóvenes adultos con corazon de servicio siguen los pasos de Frassati

No había tenido el honor de conocer al Beato Pier Giorgio Frassati (1901-1925) hasta que tuve la oportunidad el año pasado en la Jornada Mundial de Jóvenes de estar junto a su cuerpo y también leí un libro acerca de su vida.

November 28, 2017

Share the Journey: Interfaith pot luck invites all faiths to listen, learn

There’s something about sharing a meal with someone that is more than just getting food to satisfy hunger or catching up. Walls come down. It is a chance to let your hair down, so to speak, set the craziness of the world aside, and just be with someone. You get an opportunity to share your thoughts and hear about theirs.

November 28, 2017

Caregiving with older adults: one parish’s story

Where can Catholics turn for assistance with caregiving needs for older adults in our Archdiocese? The Church has had a long tradition to tend to the most vulnerable with Christ’s compassionate care.

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