The Texas Catholic Herald

Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston

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February 28, 2017

Pastoral planning: One parish’s framework for making disciples

Tucked into the tall pines of The Woodlands north of Houston is Sts. Simon and Jude Catholic Church (SSJ). It’s the smaller of the two local parishes, but not by much. About 3,500 families call SSJ home; there are about 4,000 families at St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church.

February 28, 2017

In Houston-area ports, chaplains serve God’s people at sea

As modern disciples, like the first two brothers who were fisherman in the Sea of Galilee who left their nets to follow Jesus, Christians are called to be fishers of men and woman, including those who work on ships and enter ports around the world.

February 28, 2017

The journey of Lent: Figuring out the path to Easter

It is that time of year again... the beginning of our Lenten season. What to do or not to do for Lent?

February 28, 2017

Family love today through the witness of the Holy Family

Raising youth in today’s culture can be challenging in varied circumstances or situations. How many times have we heard raising children “does not come with a manual?”

February 28, 2017

Campus ministry must connect students’ faith journey from head to heart

And yet, even with the Catholic faith woven into the fabric of the university, it is still possible that a young Catholic can attend UST and not truly grow in their personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

February 28, 2017

Caregivers need support, compassion from their church community

Recently I asked my 93-year old mother if she thought of herself as a caregiver with my father. I could tell by her response that how she cared for my dad with “a few added tasks” was simply a continuation of the love and commitment that she had exercised for the past 66 years.

February 14, 2017

Around the Archdiocese

Around the Archdiocese, the 146 parishes found throughout the ten-county region host events nearly every day. Find one near you!

February 14, 2017

A Super Bowl Blessing

On Super Bowl Sunday, Pope Francis reached out to Americans urging them to make Super Bowl LI a sign of peace, friendship and solidarity to the world.

February 14, 2017

Men: Will you be her ideal Valentine?

February is Valentine’s Day. A time of anxiety and doubt for guys. You’ve got her a card – good start. What else?

February 14, 2017

Parents navigating the waters of adolescent change

At the age of 5 my daughter thought babies came from God and Disney World. For years, my wife and I had been trying to have another baby, and my daughter kept constantly praying for a sibling.

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