The Texas Catholic Herald

Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston

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December 13, 2016

Enhancing the Catholic School experience

Participating in the annual Steps for Students on Feb. 18, 2017, now in its 12th year, isn’t just about running or walking a 5K.

December 13, 2016

Zwick’s mercy, assistance to the poor will be his legacy

Casa Juan Diego founder remembered

November 22, 2016

Tribunal safe-guards Catholic faith, tradition through Canon Law

The ministry in the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston focused on safe-guarding the Catholic faith and tradition through the understanding and practice of Canon Law is the Tribunal.

November 22, 2016

Conference educates Church in serving people with disabilities

Ensuring that people with disabilities and their family members know that the Church is here to support and love them for their entire Catholic life was a key focus of “Human Dignity: Created in God’s Image,” a one-day conference for parish staff and volunteers and for family members and caregivers of children and adults with disabilities.

November 22, 2016

The Cardinal’s Circle helps Inner City Catholic Schools transform students into models of the Gospel

Founded in 2010, the mission of The Cardinal’s Circle is to help Inner City Catholic Schools maintain that standard of academic excellence in curriculum and staff.

November 22, 2016

Archdiocese honors Our Lady of Guadalupe with procession, dancing

On Sunday, Dec. 11, thousands of people from across the Archdiocese are expected to join together in an expression of devotion to Our Lady of Guadalupe, the Patroness of the Americas.

November 22, 2016

African-American lay organizations help continue strong Catholic traditions

November celebrates the contributions African-American Catholics have made to the Catholic faith throughout history.

November 22, 2016

Red Mass, dinner focuses on divided America

The annual Red Mass was held at the Co-Cathedral of the Sacred Heart on Wednesday, Nov. 2.

November 22, 2016

Vigil in Huntsville bears witness to respect life

On Wednesday, Dec. 7, John Battaglia is scheduled to die by lethal injection in Huntsville. Battaglia’s execution will be the eighth conducted by the State of Texas in 2016.

November 22, 2016

Cardinal DiNardo elected USCCB president

Archbishop José Gomez of Los Angeles becomes vice president

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