The Texas Catholic Herald

Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston

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February 8, 2022

San José Clinic’s centennial anniversary: 100 years old and forever healing

When Monsignor George T. Walsh, then pastor of Annunciation Catholic Church in downtown Houston, learned of the high infant mortality of Mexican children in Houston in 1922, he knew where to turn: San José Clinic.

February 8, 2022

Knights of Peter Claver claim two top national officers here in Galveston-Houston

Knights of Peter Claver, the largest African American Catholic lay organization in the United States, stand as a true family affair that includes the Ladies Auxiliary, Junior Knights and Junior Daughters, said a national officer based in Houston.

February 8, 2022

Mass, prayer vigil and rallies stand for life in the public square

A chilly Saturday morning of prayer kicked off a series of events calling for greater respect for human life when the Co-Cathedral of the Sacred Heart hosted a prayer vigil with Eucharistic Adoration on Jan. 22, the National Day of Prayer for Legal Protection for the Unborn.

February 8, 2022

The Cardinal’s Circle tour CROSS Academies, see fruits of Catholic education in Archdiocese

The Cardinal’s Circle’s mission is to help the CROSS Academies to maintain a standard of academic excellence in curriculum and staff.

February 8, 2022

Poetry contest helps middle school students find their voice in word and life

Catholic school communities are joining local literary leaders in preparing for the 2021 Archdiocesan Poetry Contest.

February 8, 2022

When South Texas feeds the world: Bishop Cahill blesses samples of farm seeds, soil for crops

On a windy, cold January morning, Bishop Brendan J. Cahill of Victoria blessed samples of seed and soil for the rural Texas diocese, which he said in turn help feed the world.

February 8, 2022

Injustice at work, in Church should be addressed, pope says

The pandemic should not be used as an excuse for doing nothing about improving job safety and repairing injustice, Pope Francis said.

February 8, 2022

QUIRAY: Embracing a holy and whole family prayer life

To live a holy life within our families presupposes living a family life wholly. There is no better place to learn to be whole than in the home. Why the emphasis on wholesome living?

February 8, 2022

ALVAREZ: Where do you see Jesus?

What better time for to share something good than now? During our struggles, during our re-opening phases, during our challenge in faith is when Good News comes to light.

February 8, 2022

MCNEILLIE: Charity in crisis

In the current crisis, charity could motivate people to do things like get the vaccine, stop hoarding toilet paper and other groceries, or collaborate together to find even better solutions forward. In other words, charity is a way out of this crisis, a way out of any crisis.

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