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Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston

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February 28, 2012

St. Mary Magdalene Church in Humble celebrates 100 years with Mass

Daniel Cardinal DiNardo was the main celebrant of a Mass honoring the 100th anniversary of St. Mary Magdalene Church, Feb. 11. Father Michael Carmody, St. Mary Magdalene pastor, concelebrated the Mass. Former pastors, including retired Msgr. Paul Procella and Msgr. Adam McClosky (pastor of All Saints Church in Houston), were among the other concelebrants.

February 28, 2012

A timeline of the HHS mandate

On Feb. 10, the Catholic bishops of the United States called for a renewed effort to change the Department of Health and Human Services’ mandate requiring religious employers to provide health care coverage of services that oppose religious teachings.

February 28, 2012

First U.S. Ordinariate for former Anglicans launches with inaugural Mass in Houston

With the reading of a papal pronouncement and the presentation of the miter and crozier — symbols of his new pastoral office — Monsignor Jeffrey Steenson, a Houston-based priest and professor, officially became the head of the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter at an historic Mass at the Co-Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in Houston.

February 28, 2012

5 MINUTES WITH Father Joseph Lam Nguyen, C.S.Sp.

Father Joseph Lam Nguyen said he first heard God’s call to the priesthood when caring for his ailing father in 1997. After his father died, he left behind his studies in law school to follow that call.

February 14, 2012

Catholic Schools Week: Celebrating ‘Faith, Academics, Service’ in the Archdiocese

Catholic Schools Week was Jan. 29 to Feb. 5 and the annual observance provided an ideal opportunity for Archdiocesan campuses to showcase their Catholic school communities for interested visitors. Schools typically celebrate the week with Masses, open houses and activities for students, families, parishioners and the community at large. The theme for Catholic Schools Week 2012 was "Catholic Schools: Faith. Academics. Service."

February 14, 2012

Cardinal DiNardo speaks on religious liberty during Vigil for Life

Participants at the annual March for Life were urged in advance of the march not to let themselves be compromised in their beliefs as the federal government pursues regulations that Catholic leaders say constitute an attack on conscience and religious liberty.

February 14, 2012

Diocesan Services Fund campaign for Archdiocesan ministries underway

The annual campaign to support more than 60 Archdiocesan-wide ministries is underway and the local Church is asking parishioners to continue their generous giving to the Diocesan Services Fund.

February 14, 2012

Lent: Rediscovering baptism through fasting, prayer and almsgiving

Lent begins this year on Feb. 22, Ash Wednesday, a day of fast and abstinence for Catholics. According to the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, the imposition of ashes on foreheads “symbolizes our dependence upon God’s mercy and forgiveness.” In preparation for these 40 days that will lead us to renew and embrace our baptismal commitment, we offer these ideas for prayer, fasting and almsgiving during Lent.

February 14, 2012

Former Anglican priests participate in historical orientation to become Catholic clergy

It was both a long-awaited milestone and the beginning of a new journey as 42 former Anglican priests from across the country began their training to become Catholic priests, Jan. 27 to 29.

January 31, 2012

‘The Spirit in the World Today’

Father Donald Goergen, O.P. will give a lecture titled “The Spirit in the World Today” at the Dominican Sisters Center for Spirituality, Feb. 3 to 4.

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