Young Adult Ministry Workshops

The Office of Young Adult & Campus Ministry seeks to help all young adults find a home within the Catholic Church. To do this, we partner closely with parish leaders to help offer support and formation to all involved in leadership for parish-based Young Adult Ministry. Please see below for some of the resources available to Young Adult Leaders. If you have any questions, please contact our office directly. We are happy to accompany all parish-based young adult ministries in various ways.

Christus Vivit: Young Adult Leader Training

Christus Vivit is a training program offered by the Office of Young Adult & Campus Ministry for those serving as leaders in parish-based young adult ministry. Young Adults who complete this course will gain an understanding of the basic principles of young adult ministry, practical skills needed to serve on a leadership team, and helpful tools needed to create a successful young adult ministry at his/her parish. This will be a 5-week course held on Wednesdays starting on January 29 at St. Dominic Chancery (2403 Holcombe Blvd., Houston) from 7:00-8:30 pm. Cost to attend is $25. Registration deadline is January 27, 2025. 

Christus Vivit: Summary

Christus Vivit: Young Adult Leader Training is designed for young adults (ages 18-39) who are currently serving as leaders or who are discerning stepping into a role of leadership within a parish-based young adult ministry. The purpose of this course is to equip and prepare these young adults to serve as leaders among their peers.

Young Adults who complete this course will learn:

  • Basic Principles of Young Adult Ministry
  • Practical Skills needed to serve on a Leadership Team
  • Helpful Tools needed to create a successful young adult ministry at his/her parish


Our registration procedure is hosted by CAPERNAUM. Click here to start a new account OR to register if you already have a Capernaum account.

Once in Capernaum, search for Christus Vivit or Young Adults. Register by January 27, 2025, to join us!

More details about Capernaum: 

For registration help or more information, contact the Office of Young Adult & Campus Ministry at, 713-741-8778, or online at


Young Adult Ministry Basics

Leadership Team

Most young adult ministry in parishes is led by young adult volunteers. The Office for Young Adult & Campus Ministry strongly suggests that young adult ministry be led by a Leadership Team. Here are some key roles to consider when forming your leadership team. Not every ministry will have all of these roles filled. When starting a new ministry, it is best to start at the top of this list and then continue to build the team from there.

10 Steps to Begin YA Ministry

Do you want to start a Young Adult Ministry at your parish? Do you not know where to start? Never fear! Please check out this 10-step guide to starting (or restarting) a young adult ministry at your parish! In addition to the guide, feel free to contact our office so we can walk with you as you begin an exciting new endeavor!

Other Formation Programs

Apostles on Mission

Apostles on Mission is a 10-week formation program in leadership and evangelization for young adults in their 20s and 30s. The program offers a chance to cultivate your personal relationship with Jesus Christ, to understand your personal gifts and strengths, and to live out these gifts in a unique way within your community.

The program will be given on Monday evenings. Fall 2024 dates are:

  • Sept. 9, 16, 23, 30
  • Oct. 7,14, 21, 28
  • Nov. 4, 11

This program is presented by the Office of Young Adult & Campus Ministry in collaboration with the Catholic Apostolic Center.

Registration is open and available online at:

Discovering Love with Clarity

Are you seeking the meaning of love? Please join us for the upcoming Discovering Love with Clarity program open to all young adults. Discovering Love with Clarity is a series of formation and encounter for singles, dating, and engaged couples willing to explore the profound meaning of love and discernment of relationships.  The program, facilitated by Fr. Kingsley Nwoko, STL, includes 3 Saturday discussion sessions held at St. Dominic Chancery (2403 Holcombe Blvd.) on March 1, March 15, April 5, and May 3, 2025, from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm. Cost to register is $40.

Click here to be added to the interest list for Discovering Love 2025.

For more information, contact the Office of Young Adult & Campus Ministry at 713-741-8778 or or go to

National Eucharistic Congress 2024

Some of our Houston Young Adults attended the National Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis on July 17-21, 2024. The Congress was a moment for the Church in America to come together in prayer to recenter our focus on our Eucharistic Lord. According to Our Sunday Visitor, of the 60,000 total participants the congress hosted "more than 1,200 religious sisters and brothers, 1,170 priests, 630 deacons, 610 seminarians, and 200 bishops." It was a grace-filled event that called for revival, repentance, and continued missionary outreach to keep spreading the Gospel in a culture that resists its message. For those who were unable to attend in person, see details on our YACM website to view recordings of the amazing keynote presentations by some of the leading Catholic voices in today's world. Recording links are available here: 

For more information about the National Eucharistic Congress and Eucharistic Revival, go to

Talk Recordings:

Sr. Bethany Madona: Sister Bethany Madonna's Full Speech at the National Eucharistic Congress (
Fr. Mike Schmidt: Fr. Mike Schmitz's full speech at the National Eucharistic Congress (
Sr. Josephine Garrett:
Sister Josephine Garrett's Full Speech at the National Eucharistic Congress (
Gloria Purvis: Gloria Purvis' Full Speech at the National Eucharistic Congress (
Bishop Robert Barron: Bishop Robert Barron's Full Speech at the National Eucharistic Congress (
Cardinal Luis Tagle:
Cardinal Luis Tagle's homily at the Clossing Mass of the 2024 National Eucharistic Congress (

Mother Olga of the Sacred Heart: Mother Olga of the Sacred Heart's Full Speech at the National Eucharistic Congress (
Jonathan Roumie: Jonathan Roumie's Full Speech at the National Eucharistic Congress (
Chris Stefanick: Chris Stefanick's Full Speech at the 2024 National Eucharistic Congress (

Recap Videos from Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston

National Eucharistic Congress (Facebook)
Houston Group at Congress
Fr. Luke Millette, Judicial Vicar
Fr. Victor Perez, Pastor from St. Joseph Parish
Mimi Tran, Campus Minister from Rice University

More Reflections on the Congress

The Eucharistic procession gave me back my faith in the Church ( by Meg Hunter-Kilmer (Cafe Catholica 2022 speaker)

Ministry Updates

Has Leadership changed within your Young Adult Ministry? Let us know here!

Leadership Team Form

Has your ministry added a new event? New social media? Click here to fill out the general information form.

YA Ministry General Info Form


For more information, contact the Office of Young Adult & Campus Ministry at 713-741-8778,, or