Young Adult Service Opportunities
A society that wishes and intends to remain at the service of the human being at every level is a society that has the common good - the good of all people and of the whole person [347] - as its primary goal. The human person cannot find fulfilment in himself, that is, apart from the fact that he exists "with" others and "for" others. This truth does not simply require that he live with others at various levels of social life, but that he seek unceasingly - in actual practice and not merely at the level of ideas - the good, that is, the meaning and truth, found in existing forms of social life.
—Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church, paragraph 165
The Mission
The Catholic Church’s preferential love for the poor is part of her constant tradition. From the gospels to the saints, unceasing search to be in service of our less fortunate brothers and sisters are essential to the life of the disciple. Thus, we ought to strive to be a beacon of hope and compassion for the poor and marginalized in our communities. Through proper discernment we encourage our young adults to live out the Gospel’s call to love and serve our neighbors, especially those in most need.
Upcoming Opportunities
Steps for Students – February 8, 2025
Steps for Students is a USA Track & Field sanctioned 5K race that supports Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston. The upcoming race will take place at the Co-Cathedral of the Sacred Heart on Saturday, February 8th. Young adults are encouraged to register to race, volunteer or donate. Young Adult deadline to register is Nov. 30. For registration and volunteer information, please visit:
Support our Catholic Schools on February 8, 2025, at the Co-Cathedral of the Sacred Heart. Young adults are welcome to register as runners or volunteers.
Runner Information:
Race starts at 8:30 AM
Fees (October 30 - January 30, 2025):
- 5K Timed: $18
- Family 1K Fun Run: $17
"Hit Snooze for Students"
If you can’t participate but wish to donate, select “Hit the Snooze for Students.
Volunteer Opportunities:
Young adults can help with various roles.
February 1: Shirt Stuffing (9 AM - 12 PM or 12 PM - 3 PM)
- Location: St. Dominic Center, 4203 Holcombe Blvd. Morkovsky Hall.
February 8, Saturday (Race Day): Young Adults are encouraged to Choose one of the following Volunteer Options
- Location: Co-Cathedral of the Sacred Heart
- Water Station (7 AM - 10 AM)
- Race Day Guides (6:30 AM - 9:30 AM)
- Finish Line Marshall (7:45 AM - 10:30 AM)
- Refreshment Booth (8 AM - 10:30 AM)
- Tear Down (Post Race, 10 AM - 12 PM)
We are encouraging young adult volunteers to focus on these volunteer roles so that young adults can volunteer together during this event. Other roles are also open and available for sign-up.*
For Runners:
Go to, click on the "Register Today" button on the main page, fill out your information, and choose your event (5k run, family 1k, snooze). Leave a message for the race and type: "Young Adult Ministry or YACM".
For Volunteers:
Go to and click the “Volunteer” tab and choose a role and time (pick one of the options listed above to volunteer with other young adults). On race day, be sure to check in at the volunteer tent. Please register by Nov. 30th to save a spot on the young adult crews!
For questions, contact Liz Filer, Volunteer Coordinator:
For registration and volunteer information, visit:
Opportunities to serve in the Houston area
Houston Food Bank
The Houston Food Bank serves the 1 million food-insecure individuals in southeast Texas by distributing food and essentials through over 1,600 community partners. They also offer programs focused on nutrition education, health management, and assistance to help families achieve long-term stability. For more information and to sign up as an individual or large group, please visit their website: Give Time By Volunteering - Houston Food Bank
Casa Juan Diego
Casa Juan Diego, founded in 1980 following the Catholic Worker model, serves immigrants, refugees, and the poor, expanding from one small house to nine. They publish the Houston Catholic Worker newspaper quarterly to share the values of their movement and highlight the stories of those affected by global economic challenges, while also providing hospitality and services for immigrant women, men, and children. For more information and to sign up as an individual or large group (maximum of 10 individuals), please visit their website: Volunteering - Casa Juan Diego
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
The Society arrived in the United States in 1845, where the first conference was formed in St. Louis, Missouri. The first presence of the Society in the Galveston-Houston area was in 1871 at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Galveston. Today, there are 58 Conferences in the Galveston-Houston Council with more than 1,900 members growing spiritually through friendship and service to those in need. There are many ways and levels to volunteer. For more information, please visit their website: Volunteer - Society of St. Vincent de Paul
Magnificat House
Since 1968, Magnificat Houses has offered an alternative to the streets by sheltering, clothing, feeding and providing mental health support and spiritual guidance to men and women – of all mental abilities, social backgrounds, religions and cultures – as they rebuild their lives in community. For more information, to donate or volunteer opportunities, please visit their website: Volunteers – Magnificat
Special Youth Services
Special Youth Services models the embrace of Christ through pastoral care, advocacy, and faith sharing in local juvenile justice centers, facilities, and programs including the promotion and coordination of restorative services to at-risk youth and their families. The SYS ministry encompasses all counties within our local Archdiocese, working with youth from ages 10-17. With the help of volunteers, Special Youth Services goes into the margins of the Houston community and serves young people who are currently involved, have been involved, or are at risk of being involved with the juvenile justice system. There are many ways to get involved, the most common of which is to sign up for a weekly Bible study in a facility. For more information or ways to get involved, visit their website: Volunteers - SYS
For more information on service opportunities and ways to get involved, contact the Office of Young Adult & Campus Ministry at 713-741-8778, or .