COVID-19 Resources
- Prayer Apps
- Ways to help during COVID-19
- Continuing the Conversation on the Realities of COVID-19 and Ministry with Young Adults (March 30, 2020)
- Special Discussion on the Realities of COVID-19 and Ministry with Young Adults (March 19, 2020)
Resources for Young Adult Leaders
- Starting a Young Adult Ministry - 10 Steps
- Addressing Issues of Racism through "Open Wide Our Hearts" in Ministries with Young Adults (February 14, 2020)
- Pastoral Care and Counseling for Ministry with Young Adults — Part 3, The Impact of Migration on Ministry with Young Adults (December 12, 2019)
- Pastoral Care and Counseling for Ministry with Young Adults — Part 2, Mental Health and Ministry with Young Adults (November 14, 2019)
- Pastoral Care and Counseling for Ministry with Young Adults — Part 1 (October 17, 2019)
- Unpacking Christus Vivit, Pope Francis' Post-Synodal Exhortation Christ is Alive! - Part 2 (May 23, 2019)
- Unpacking Christus Vivit, Pope Francis' Post-Synodal Exhortation Christ is Alive! — Part 1 (May 2, 2019)
- Forming Community with Young Adults: What Can the Church Learn? (April 4, 2019)
- Disrupting Ministry: Bringing the Synod to Life (March 7, 2019)
- The Synod Document: A Paradigm Shift (February 28, 2019)
- What Didn’t Happen at the Synod: Practical Strategies for Next Steps (November 28, 2018)
Recursos para Lideres de Pastoral Juvenil
- Acompañar, Presencia y Cercanía de Dios
- Acompañando a líderes de Pastoral Juvenil Hispana
- Youth Ministry and Pastoral Juvenil
- La RED - Proyecto Juvenil Hispano y la Reunión Anual de Membresía
- Pastoral Juvenil y Youth Ministry
- La RED Pastoral Juvenil Hispana 2019
- ¿Cómo podemos los ministros apoyar a los padres de nuestros jóvenes adolescentes y jóvenes adultos?
- Sesión 1: El camino de Emaús: Del Pre-Sínodo a la Exhortación
- Sesión 2: "Se puso a caminar con ellos”: El arte del acompañamiento
- Sesión 3: ¿De qué discutían por el camino?: El arte sagrado de escuchar
- Sesión 4: Se les abrieron los ojos: El discernimiento vocacional
- Acompañar a los jóvenes latinos nacidos en USA: una tarea de todos
- La Santidad y Los Jóvenes: Libro de la Pascua 2019
- Pastoral Juvenil: Models of Pastoral Ministry in Action (in ENG)
- Pastoral Juvenil: Modelos de Pastoral en Acción (en ESP)
Volunteers Opportunities (Acts of Charity)
Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston
St. Vincent de Paul Society
Catholic Volunteer Network (CVN)
Jesuit Volunteers
Maryknoll Lay Missioners
Mercy Volunteer Corps
Current Issues
Sons and Daughters of the Light: A Pastoral Plan for Ministry with Young Adults (USCCB)
Empowered by the Spirit: Campus Ministry Faces the Future (USCCB)
Stewardship and Young Adults (USCCB)
Empowered by the Spirit: Campus Ministry Faces the Future (USCCB)
Stewardship and Young Adults (USCCB)
Christus Vivit, Papal Exhortation of Pope Francis, release March 25, 2019
Prayers & Spirituality
USCCB Vocations Page
Promoting Vocations Among Young Adults
Archdiocesan Office of Vocations
Promoting Vocations Among Young Adults
Archdiocesan Office of Vocations
Safe Environment Policy
Click here for current Safe Environment Policy for the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston
Click here to go to Office of Child and Youth Protection