OCIA Webinars
Join us for a series of online gatherings for parish ministry leaders on different aspects of Christian initiation. Each will feature formation, discussion, and a chance to share best practices. Get the flyer here. Check out the sessions being offered:
1/7/25 - Marriage Issues & the Catechumenate - Register
Fr. Luke Millette
Judicial Vicar Metropolitan Tribunal
Pastoral and canonical approaches for ministering to inquirers and catechumens in irregular marriages.
1/22/25 - Rite of Election: Preparing the Catechumens for Election - Register
Adam Brill
Director of the Office of Worship
A review of the preparations, registration and liturgies to prepare for catechumens to enter the Period of Purification.
2/11/25 - Rituals of Lent: Entering into Purification & Enlightenment - Register
Dr. Dan Girardot
Associate Director of Formation Office of Worship
A review of the rituals and textual changes that are specifically coming up in the Lenten Period.
2/12/25 - Ritos de Cuaresma: Entrando en la Purificación y la Iluminación- Registro
Dcn. Eddy Valbuena
Associate Director of Faith Formation Prince of Peace Catholic Community
Una revisión de los rituales y cambios textuales que se presentarán específicamente durante el período de Cuaresma.
2/20/25 - Preparing Children for Initiation - Register
Matt Kiernan
Associate Director for Sacrament Preparation Office of Evangelization and Catechesis
An exploration of the catechetical and formational elements needed to prepare children of catechetical age for the sacraments of initiation.
2/21/25 - Preparando a los Niños para la Iniciación- Registro
Matt Kiernan
Associate Director for Sacrament Preparation Office of Evangelization and Catechesis
Una exploración de los elementos catequéticos y formativos necesarios para preparar a los niños en edad catequética para los sacramentos de iniciación.
3/6/25 - Sacramental Recordkeeping - Register
Lisa May
Director Archives & Records
An exploration of the updated Archdiocesan Sacramental Records Policies with a focus on Christian Initiation