Oradores / Speakers

Bishop Mario Alberto Avilés, C.O.

Obispo Mario Alberto Avilés, C.O. fue ordenado sacerdote en 1998 y actualmente se desempeña como Obispo Auxiliar de la Diócesis de Brownsville en Brownsville, Texas. Sus estudios para el sacerdocio lo llevaron inicialmente a la Ciudad de México, México, la ciudad de su nacimiento, y luego a Roma donde recibió su licenciatura en Filosofía y Teología Sagrada en el Pontificio Ateneo Regina Apostolorum. Tiene una maestría en Administración y Supervisión Educativa y es un maestro certificado en el estado de Texas.

Bishop Mario Alberto Avilés, C.O. was ordained to the Priesthood in 1998 and currently serves as the Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese of Brownsville in Brownsville, Texas. His studies to the priesthood took him initially to Mexico City, México, the city of his birth, and then to Rome where he received his bachelor’s degrees in Philosophy and Sacred Theology at the Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum. He holds a master’s degree in Education Administration and Supervision and is a certified teacher in the State of Texas.

Mr. Jaime Cortez

Jaime Cortez es un talentoso y popular compositor, arreglista e intérprete. Nacido en Nueva York y criado en El Salvador, Jaime habla español con fluidez y ha dedicado una parte de su ministerio a promocionar la liturgia hispana y a ayudar a distintas culturas a celebrar la Misa juntos. Su instrumento principal es la guitarra, a pesar de que también toca el piano y otros instrumentos de cuerda, como el charango, la vihuela y el bajo. Cortez tiene su licenciatura en composición musical de la Universidad del Estado de Arizona. En el año 2016, la Asociación Nacional de Músicos Pastorales (NPM) lo designó Músico Pastoral del año.

Algunas de sus canciones más conocidas son "Rain Down", "Somos el Cuerpo de Cristo/We are the Body of Christ" (con Bob Hurd) y "Qué Alegría". Ha grabado como solista cinco colecciones con OCP, las cuales incluyen Rain Down, Sacramentos, Adviento, Que Alegría/I Rejoiced y Transformation. Otros proyectos recientes son Gracia y Amor/Grace and Love, en colaboración con Bob Hurd y Eleazar Cortés y la colección Our Common Home, el cual incluye el canto "Let us Sing As We Go". Jaime fue quien adaptó los textos para la versión bilingüe y en español del ya reconocido arreglo para la Misa en inglés de Dan Schutte Mass of Christ the Savior/Misa Cristo Salvador de acuerdo a los cambios del nuevo Misal Romano.

Además de talleres, Jaime ofrece conciertos con grupos musicales voluntarios o como solista con la interpretación de su repertorio en inglés y español. Jaime tiene una vasta experiencia ofreciendo talleres de música y liturgia para músicos pastorales, maestros católicos y grupos juveniles.

En la actualidad, Jaime es el director musical de la Iglesia Católica de la Santa Cruz en Mesa, Arizona. En la ciudad de Mesa vive con su esposa y sus tres hijos que también cuentan con un gran talento musical.

Jaime Cortez is a talented and popular composer, arranger, and performer. Born in New York and raised in El Salvador, Jaime is fluent in Spanish and has dedicated a part of his ministry to promoting the Hispanic liturgy and helping different cultures celebrate Mass together. His main instrument is the guitar, although he also plays the piano and other string instruments, such as the charango, the vihuela and the bass. Cortez has his BA in music composition from Arizona State University. In 2016, the National Association of Pastoral Musicians (NPM) named him Pastoral Musician of the Year.

Some of his best known songs are "Rain Down", "We are the Body of Christ / We are the Body of Christ" (with Bob Hurd) and "Qué Alegría". He has soloed five collections with OCP, which include Rain Down, Sacramentos, Advent, Que Alegría / I Rejoiced and Transformation. Other recent projects are Gracia y Amor / Grace and Love, in collaboration with Bob Hurd and Eleazar Cortés and the Our Common Home collection, which includes the song "Let us Sing As We Go." Jaime was the one who adapted the texts for the bilingual and Spanish version of the already recognized arrangement for the English Mass of Dan Schutte Mass of Christ the Savior / Misa Cristo Salvador according to the changes of the new Roman Missal. In addition to workshops, Jaime offers concerts with volunteer musical groups or as a soloist with the interpretation of his repertoire in English and Spanish. Jaime has vast experience offering music and liturgy workshops for pastoral musicians, Catholic teachers, and youth groups.

Currently, Jaime is the Music Director for Holy Cross Catholic Church in Mesa, Arizona. In the city of Mesa, he lives with his wife and his three children, who also have great musical talent.

Mr. Rodolfo López & Mrs. Estela García–López

Estela García – López and Rodolfo López have participated as music ministers for more than 30 years. They have served as music directors, workshop presenters, and recording artists locally, nationally, and internationally. Estela and Rodolfo have played an integral role in the development and distribution of the popular brand, Flor y Canto, an outstanding product for OCP and an essential tool for worship in the Hispanic Church. They have published two collections with OCP, Brille Tu Luz (In the Middle of Darkness) and Christ Has No Feet in the World (But yours) and they are also the composers of the bilingual mass, Misa Santa Cecilia. Estela and Rodolfo currently work for OCP in the Music Promotion and Development Division and also serve as Music Directors in local parishes in the Archdiocese of Portland, OR.

Estela García – López and Rodolfo López have participated as music ministers for more than 30 years. They have served as music directors, workshop presenters, and recording artists locally, nationally, and internationally. Estela and Rodolfo have played an integral role in the development and distribution of the popular brand, Flor y Canto, an outstanding product for OCP and an essential tool for worship in the Hispanic Church. They have published two collections with OCP, Brille Tu Luz (In the Middle of Darkness) and Christ Has No Feet in the World (But yours) and they are also the composers of the bilingual mass, Misa Santa Cecilia. Estela and Rodolfo currently work for OCP in the Music Promotion and Development Division and also serve as Music Directors in local parishes in the Archdiocese of Portland, OR.

Mr. Gonzalo Ramos

Nacido en Houston, Gonzalo A Ramos tiene una Maestría en Música Sagrada de la Universidad de St. Thomas y una Licenciatura en Música de la Escuela de Música Moores de la Universidad de Houston. Además, Gonzalo tiene una especialización en Marketing y Negocios de la Bauer School of Business de la Universidad de Houston. Gonzalo es el Director Artístico y Director del Coro de Cámara Cecilia de Houston, Director Artístico y Fundador del Credo Sacred Vocal Arts Ensemble, se desempeña como Director Artístico de la Serie de Conciertos Bravura y es Director Musical en la Iglesia Católica All Saints en Houston, TX.

Es conferencista invitado y presentador frecuente de talleres para la Arquidiócesis de Galveston-Houston. Las composiciones de música sacra de Gonzalo son interpretadas por coros en el área metropolitana de Houston, donde también aparece como tenor solista para una amplia gama de compromisos. Gonzalo es cantor de la comunidad católica de Houston y recientemente ha cantorado para la Misa Crismal, La Ordenación al Sacerdocio, La Ordenación al Diaconado y al Diaconado de Transición, La Misa del 25 ° Jubileo de Plata y la Misa del 50 ° Jubileo de Oro en la Co-Catedral de la Sagrada. Corazón. Gonzalo se sentó en el Comité de la Conferencia Litúrgica del Suroeste 2018-2019 y ayuda a dirigir talleres de formación para la Diócesis. Gonzalo actualmente es miembro de la Junta Directiva de las Artes Literarias Católicas, donde dirige el comité de marketing y es miembro de la Comisión Litúrgica de la Arquidiócesis de Galveston-Houston.

A Houston native, Gonzalo A Ramos holds a Masters in Sacred Music from the University of St. Thomas and a Bachelor in Music from the Moores School of Music at the University of Houston. In addition, Gonzalo holds a Minor in Marketing and Business from the Bauer School of Business at the University of Houston. Gonzalo is the Artistic Director and Conductor of the Houston Cecilia Chamber Choir, Artistic Director and Founder of Credo Sacred Vocal Arts Ensemble, serves as the Artistic Director for the Bravura Concert Series and is a Music Director at All Saints Catholic Church in Houston, TX.

He is a guest lecturer and frequent workshop presenter for the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston. Gonzalo’s sacred music compositions are performed by choruses in the greater Houston area where he also appears as a tenor soloist for a diverse range of engagements. Gonzalo cantors for the Catholic community of Houston and has recently cantored for Chrism Mass, The Ordination to Priesthood, The Ordination to the Diaconate and Transitional Diaconate, The 25th Silver Jubilee Mass, and The 50th Golden Jubilee Mass at the Co-Cathedral of the Sacred Heart. Gonzalo sat on the 2018-2019 Southwest Liturgical Conference Committee and assists in leading formation workshops for the Diocese. Gonzalo currently serves on the Board of Directors for the Catholic Literary Arts where he spears the marketing committee and is a member of the Liturgical Commission for the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston.

Mrs. Annelise Lück Lagasse