Sacramental Catechesis


The preparation for and celebration of sacraments are an important and privileged encounter with God's grace.

The National Directory for Catechesis (p. 114) states:

Dioceses and parish should present sacramental catechesis that

  • Is a comprehensive and systematic formation in the faith, one that integrates knowledge of the faith with living the faith
  • Is fundamentally Trinitarian and centers on initiation into the life of the Triune God
  • Presents Christian life as a lifelong journey to the Father in the Son and through the Holy Spirit
  • Is appropriate to the age level, maturity, and circumstances of those being catechized
  • Is intended for all members of the Christian community, takes place within the community, and involves the whole community of faith\
  • Involves parents in the preparation of their children for the sacraments
  • Is integrated into a comprehensive catechetical program
  • Focuses primarily on the symbols, rituals, and prayers contained in the rite for each sacrament
  • Enables the believer to reflect on the meaning of the sacrament received by implementing a thorough experience of mystagogia following the celebration.

In light of this, the Office of Evangelization and Catechesis provides support for sacramental catechesis in the following areas:

Children's Catechumenate

Infant Baptism

First Penance and Reconciliation

First Eucharist

Youth Confirmation

Adult Confirmation


Upcoming Workshops for  Sacrament Preparation Coordinators and Teams

The New OCIA: A Transformative Vision of Christian Initiation Ministry

September 21 | 8:30-3:30 | Mary Queen Catholic Church (Friendswood) | English & Spanish offered

October 12, | 8:30-3:30 | Prince of Peace Catholic Church | English & Spanish Offered

The new Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) has been approved by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and the Holy See for use in the dioceses of the United States and replace our current RCIA ritual text on December 1, 2024. The vision of the new text is to form vibrant disciples in Christ. Bring your parish initiation team to this OCIA formation day and examine together how the revised texts can address the needs of your parish. Together, we will break open the OCIA principles and rites, share practical ways they are realized in a parish, and enhance your parish plan for growth, learning, and effective evangelization.