Catechetical Modules: Process to host them at your parish or Catholic School
Why the Catechetical Modules?
While the vocation to be a catechist is gift from the Lord, the knowledge, skills and virtues they need to successfully discharge this vocation must be learned and/or developed.
The Objective of the Catechetical Modules is to begin the lifelong learning process of those who are called to be catechists.
The following are the 10 Catechetical Modules that all catechists in active ministry in our Archdiocese are required to complete within the first stage of their catechetical ministry:
Orientation to Catechetical Ministry in the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston:
01- Catechetical Framework (The mission of the Catechist)
Development of pedagogical skills sequence:
02- Human and spiritual Development
03- Curriculum Training
04- Lesson Design
05- Assessment strategies
Spiritual development sequence:
06- Vocation of the Catechist
07- Spirituality and Evangelization
08- Catechesis in the family
Catholic living sequence:
09- Enculturating Catechesis
10- Liturgical Catechesis
What is the process to host these catechetical modules at your parish or catholic school?
To ensure that educational data and records are accurate and transparent, all records of Catechetical Modules must originate and be kept by the Archdiocesan Learning Managment System called CAPERNAUM.
In order to ensure that this is properly done, all parishes that wish to host a catechetical module must request from O.E.C. that a training session be created in CAPERNAUM.
The following are the steps to accomplish this goal:
01- A PCL (Parish Catechetical Leader) or a Catholic School administrator decides modules to host at their parish/Catholic School:
-We strongly recommend the development of pedagogical skills sequence for parishes that:
+are in the planning stages to implement the archdiocesan curriculum for elementary and adolescent catechesis in your parish.
+have implemented the archdiocesan curriculum and have a significant number of new catechists.
+need a refresher training for catechists implementing the archdiocesan curriculum.
-Feel free to contact Miguel A. Vences (contact information at the bottom of this page) for a consultation of how to make this decision.
02-Make decision as to how to finance the Catechetical Modules
-Your Parish/Catholic School is responsible to pay for the expenses of every session:
+Instructor's stipend ($120.00)
+Printed Materials (Free)
+Capernaum use fee (Free)
-You may choose to be invoiced by our office for the total cost. If you choose this option:
+You are paying for up to 40 participants.
+You may allow free registration to your catechists/teachers with the use of a coupon.
+You may also choose to charge a discounted rate or manage the payments yourself.
+You will be required to open the session for registration to all Capernaum users for $12.
-You may also choose to pay with the fees paid by participants. If you choose this option:
+A price of $12.00 is the standard price with a minimum of 12 registered participants.
+If you exceed the number of minimum registrations to cover the costs of the session, your parish will be
reimbursed the difference.
+If you do not reach the minimum registration to cover the costs:
+You may choose to cancel the session.
+You may choose to be invoiced for the difference.
03-Select a certified instructor to teach the modules at your parish:
-You may request access to our CM-Certified Instructors Directory and use the information provided there to make a decision as to whom you prefer as the instructor. Please contact MIGUEL A. VENCES requesting the link and the password to it.
-Keep in mind that an instructor should not teach more than three (out of ten) modules.
-You may also request that an instructor be assigned.
04- Submit the following Hosting Request Form -Catechetical Modules-
04- Wait for confirmation that modules have been scheduled:
Once your hosting request form is received and confirmed, our staff will create the appropriate event pages in CAPERNUM and will get back to you with the information you will need to publicize your event and get your catechists/teachers properly registered for it.
It is important that you keep in mind that:
1. There is a limit of 40 participants per session (strictly enforced by CAPERNUM).
2. All participants MUST register prior to your event through their personal Capernaum account.
3. By archdiocesan policy, all catechetical modules will be open to all Capernaum users.
4. If a Catholic school wants to host catechetical modules the local PCL should be involved in the planning.
05- Host the catechetical module or modules at your parish/school:
CLICK HERE to download the detailed procedures to host modules.
Miguel A. Vences, Associate Director O.E.C.
Catechists’ Certification & Catechetical Leaders’ Formation
Direct: 713-741-8797;
Information on this page was last updated on 6/10/2024.