Advanced Biblical Studies

The Office of Evangelization and Catechesis offers in-depth advanced courses for individual books or related collections of books of the Bible. When in-person courses resume, courses will be offered at both central locations and in parishes. Live virtual classes will also be offered beginning in August 2021. Parishes interested in hosting these courses are encouraged to contact the office. Each course will focus on a particular book(s) of the Bible and will be taught by instructors who specialize in Sacred Scripture. These courses are especially designed for those who lead scripture study in parishes.

Registration for Courses

Like all formation being offered by the Archdiocese, registration is now done via the Learning Managements System of the Archdiocese called Capernaum. If you already have a Capernaum account you can click on an individual course below to get more information or you can go here to get to an information page in Capernaum. If you do not yet have an account in Capernaum, go to to learn more about this system and how to establish a free account.

Download a flyer for the Spring 2022 offerings here.

Advanced Biblical Studies Overview

Offerings in Advanced Biblical Studies consist of 21 Old and New Testament courses. Click on an individual course title below to see more information and the next available offerings of that course. The available course offerings are:

Old Testament Courses:

  • Book of Genesis
  • Book of Exodus
  • Historical Books of the Old Testament
  • 1st Isaiah, Amos, Hosea,& Micah
  • Jeremiah, Zephaniah, Nahum &Habakkuk
  • Ezekiel, 2nd Isaiah, Obadiah & Lamentations
  • Prophets of the Persian Period
  • Ages of the Sages
  • Apocalyptic Literature of the Old Testament
  • Book of Psalms

New Testament Courses

Who Should Take Advanced Biblical Studies

  • Parish bible study team leaders
  • Anyone who is interested in advanced scripture study

Because the content will be offered at an advanced level, the prerequisite is completion of the FTCM Old and New Testament courses or their equivalent.

Contact Information
For more information please contact:

Brian Garcia-Luense