Adult Catechesis
TheĀ General Directory for CatechesisĀ states, "Catechesis for adults, since it deals with persons who are capable of an adherence that is fully responsible, must be considered the chief form of catechesis. All other forms which are indeed necessary, are in some way oriented to it" (no. 59).
It goes further to note that while adult catechesis takes many forms and occurs in many contexts, these, "complement, but do not replace, the ongoing, systematic catechetical courses which every ecclesial community must provide for all adults" (176).
In light of this mandate, the Office of Evangelization and Catechesis provides both systematic catechetical opportunities for adults in the Archdiocese and training for those who catechize adults.
Formation Toward Christian Ministry (FTCM)
Summer Intensive Formation Program
Biblical Studies Project
The principal platform by which we deliver formation is now our Learning Management System entitled Capernaum. For more information on this platform, click here.
In addition, through our partnership with the University of Dayton's Virtual Learning Community for Faith Formation (VLCFF) members of our Archdiocese have access to a variety of online courses offered by them at a discounted rate. For more information visit
Adults, more than children or youth, have the freedom to exercise a degree of autonomy in directing their own formation. Individual reading of books and essays on theological and spiritual topics can be an important component of an adult's catechetical formation. While a comprehensive list of appropriate writings is not possible, click here for an interesting and safe starting point.
To learn more about the notions of Solidarity and the Spirituality of Communion you might consider reading some of the original documents from Pope St. John Paul II and the bishops of the United States.
- Sollicitudo Rei Socialis can be found on the Holy See's website here.
- Novo Millennio Ineunte can be found on the Holy See's website here.
- The United State's bishops pastoral letter Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship can be found on the USCCB website here.
- In the fall of 2020 this ministry hosted two live events examining this pastoral letter. An amalgamation of those presentations can be viewed below.