Sponsors, golfers sought for Archdiocesan golf classic

April 21, 2015

HOUSTON — Catholic schools, seminarians from St. Mary’s Seminary, married couples searching for spiritual support and young adult Catholics seeking community — the reach of the Shepherd’s Cup Golf Classic is broad and deep, and this year will be no exception.
Organizers of the eighth annual event aim to recruit 400 players, plus sponsors for the golf tournament and the Cardinal’s sponsor dinner to help meet some of the needs that further Catholic education as well as faith and clergy formation.  “My hope is that sponsors from across the Archdiocese will be blessed and strengthened in their noble vocation by participating in this event,” Daniel Cardinal DiNardo said.  “It has a ripple effect on the Catholic Archdiocese and the broader community,” said Sean Tracey, who with his wife Kari is once again sponsoring the event. “It calls attention to the Church and what they’re doing. There’s a lot of positive energy attached to it.”  James Barrette, secretariat director for Pastoral and Educational Ministries, said the $40,000 they received in funding from last year’s event allowed his office to help pay for John Paul II Foundation’s “Together in Holiness” conference to enrich the lives of married couples and strengthen Café Catholica and the Hispanic Young Adult Ministry, vital outreach components that encourage and support young adult Catholics.  Barrette said they saw a 30 percent increase in participants over last year at Café Catholica, a four-week dinner lecture series for young adults, which while encouraging, means they need more funding to cover rising costs.   “It shows not only the popularity of the program, but most importantly the hunger young adults have to hear about their faith in a forum where they can share with their peers,” Barrette said. 

Barrette said the number of young-adult groups in parishes continues to grow and now totals more than 60 ministries across the Archdiocese.
Last year’s golf tournament, dinner and auction raised more than $300,000, and Tracey is hopeful they will exceed that amount in October. He said the event brings people of different faiths who not only want to play golf together, but who are also interested in supporting education and faith formation.
Meanwhile, Tracey said they are making a push to enlist at least one foursome from every parish in the Archdiocese.
For Father Brendan Cahill, who oversees clergy formation and chaplaincy services, the additional funding — $30,000 last year — provides a vital shot in the arm for training programs for priests and deacons and others who serve in the ministry. He said they were able to offer a leadership program under Catholic 360.
“Our Archdiocese continues to grow, and the faith is very much alive,” Father Cahill said. “Sometimes it’s difficult to keep up with the changes and growth. Any program that can offer support and encouragement for these men in their ministry is highly valued by Cardinal DiNardo.”


Galveston-Houston Knights of Columbus Charities will present Daniel Cardinal DiNardo’s eighth annual Shepherd’s Cup Charity Golf Classic benefiting Catholic education, faith formation, clergy formation and St. Mary’s Seminary on Oct. 5, at The Clubs of Kingwood, 1700 Lake Kingwood Trail. Tee off is at noon. The tournament includes a lunch and awards banquet. On Oct. 4 there will be a Mass, dinner and auction at St. Mary’s Seminary, 9845 Memorial Drive. To become a sponsor, register a team, volunteer or for more information, visit www.ghkcc.golfreg.com.