REGIS: The Bridge - Trusting God is a continual journey
September 24, 2024
This summer, I went on a super long bike ride following my friend’s advice and directions. I went by myself, and because the area was completely new to me, I had to stop often to figure out where I was and look at the directions.
I was even getting nervous since my phone was running out of battery. I was really far from my lodging, and even if I got to my destination, I would still have to bike back. After about 2 hours of biking, not knowing how long it would take me to get to my destination, I started to really wonder: “Is this even possible?”
With this frustration nagging at me, I came to a huge bridge. It was so long and so tall that it looked dangerous for me to go by myself. Telling myself, “My friend would never send me biking on that bridge,” I automatically went the other direction — away from the bridge — paying no mind to the directions.
However, after searching for the beach (my destination) and not finding it, I finally looked at my phone. To my dismay, it kept directing me over that bridge. At a certain point, I told myself, “Just trust your friend and go up the bridge!”
I crossed over, and after another two miles, I finally found the Gulf and was able to refresh myself in that beautiful, clear water — what a relief and joy! This experience reinforced a valuable lesson: To trust that when God, who is my best friend, asks me something, I should not think that I am incapable of doing it. Even if the problem looks bigger than I can handle, I need to trust that He will give me the grace for anything, since nothing is impossible for Him.
On the way back, I stopped at the highest point of the bridge not only for a selfie but to reflect on what had just happened. I thought of a few things in my life that I have been struggling with, some difficulties that I currently find hard to handle.
I recalled again the words of the angel to Mary at the Annunciation, “for nothing will be impossible for God” (Lk 1:37), and felt a great peace. I recognized again, although in a much smaller way, that I’ve been called like Mary to say my small “yes” every day. And even though my “yes” is only a little piece of the whole work of God, I know that God needs my little piece — my 1% — even as God takes care of the rest.
A couple of days later, I decided to go to the same place one more time, and I received another beautiful lesson. As I was biking, I couldn’t help but notice how much easier it was this time since I already knew where to go.
I reflected on my spiritual journey. I do know my final destination, or at least where I want to arrive: Heaven! I also know the way to get there — Jesus was very clear about that: by loving.
The experience of that bike journey was worth it, and I’m sure heaven will be way better!
Joelma Regis is associate director with the Office of Vocations.
(Photo by Danny Ivan / Unsplash)