Rain or shine, youth continue to march for life
September 27, 2016
HOUSTON — More than 500 attendees are expected at the 10th annual March of the Surviving Youth (MOTSY), set for Oct. 8 at the Catholic Charismatic Center, located at 1949 Cullen Blvd. in Houston.
The event, which takes place from 8:30 a.m. to noon, will include a spirit-filled morning with a Mass presided by Daniel Cardinal DiNardo to commemorate the milestone.
Keynote speaker is Father Ryan Higdon, associate pastor at St. Mary’s Catholic Center at Texas A&M University, and music will be played by seminarian David Michael Moses. Light refreshments will be provided after Mass.
The theme of this year’s event, which is coordinated by the Catholic Organization of Life (COOL) and the Archdiocese, is “Make a Move,” which calls for all people to be Christians of action and not just words.
MOTSY is a pro-life march that specifically involves youth born after 1973, the year abortion was made legal in the United States. The COOL organization believes every person born in the United States after abortion was legalized in 1973 could have legally been killed had their parents wanted to. One third of the generation of 13- to 25-year olds are missing due to abortion.
Julie Fritsch, director of the Office of Pro-Life Activities in the Archdiocese, said MOTSY is a great opportunity for young people to get involved, make their voices heard and be a witness to the cause of life.
“In the face of so many cultural forces that would seem to repudiate the value of every human life, it is essential that we all stand up to affirm that value,” she said. “We are inspired and grateful to young people of The COOL for creating this positive and life-affirming initiative in Houston.”
Mary Pinedo, current president of COOL, said attendees march seven times in front of Planned Parenthood, recalling the March of Jericho, when God told the Israelites to defeat Jericho by walking in circles around the city seven times. He also instructed that trumpets be blown at every round. And when they obeyed his commands the walls of Jericho crumbled down.
“We march as survivors to make a prayerful stance for the unborn, to be a voice for the voiceless,” she said. “We pray, that through our prayers God will end this evil of our generation, abortion and bring those who have strayed into His tender and loving mercy.”
Joseph Pinedo, founder of COOL, led the first MOTSY marches. While the event has seen much growth and attendance, the goal of the first march remains the same: to introduce youth to the pro-life movement.
“Through this event, we hope to bring even more youth to the pro-life movement,” Mary Pinedo said.
COOL is Houston's only city-wide pro-life youth group. Founded in 2007 by high school students who realized abortion's threat against life, the organization now unites, educates and challenges today's youth through events to decide where they stand and to fight for life. MOTSY gathers for monthly meetings, trips to other state and national marches in Austin and Washington, D. C. and movie nights. It also provides an opportunity for the next generation to end abortion.
For more information or to become part of MOTSY, email thecoolyouthgroup@gmail.com, call 832-360-3664 or visit the website https://thecoolhouston.shutterfly.com/motsy.