IGNITE Campaign continues mission with digital outreach

March 23, 2021

Part of the IGNITE: “Our Faith, Our Mission” Capital Campaign supports St. Mary’s Seminary, including the construction of a new dorm for seminarians in formation for the priesthood. Last year, a ceremonial beam signing was held to celebrate the milestone event. To learn more, visit www.archgh.org/IGNITE. (Photo courtesy of St. Mary's Seminary)

HOUSTON — The IGNITE: “Our Faith, Our Mission” Capital Campaign launched a new website and Facebook page.

The website, located at www.archgh.org/IGNITE, includes information about the capital campaign and how to donate. The Facebook page, located at www.facebook.com/Ignite.OurFaith.OurMission, offers constant updates of how the funds are helping in the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston.

Guidance in Giving is assisting the Archdiocese in facilitating the IGNITE campaign.

“Launching the new IGNITE website and Facebook page is tremendously exciting,” said Michael Goodwin, IGNITE executive director. “We look forward to highlighting parishes, pastors, volunteers and parishioners who are working together for the good of the campaign and the Archdiocese. Having a central source of information with the IGNITE website helps us channel the flow of information and meet parishioners where they are, in a format they are comfortable accessing.”

Most recently, the Facebook page featured the seminarians and faculty at St. Mary’s Seminary signing a structural beam during the building process for the new dormitory.

“This is a good milestone for us,” Father Eurel Manzano, rector of St. Mary’s Seminary, said.

The major capital campaign was launched in 2015 to address the needs of the seminary, as well as the Catholic schools, individual parish needs and faith formation. The campaign also added a future disaster recovery fund and a fund to address rebuilding parishes and schools in light of Hurricane Harvey.

As part of the campaign, 33% of the funds collected from a parish are returned to that parish on a quarterly basis to be used toward specific church needs, including technology upgrades, beautification and repairs.

The Church of the Annunciation in downtown Houston kicked off their campaign this March. They will use their portion of the IGNITE funds to restore their historic pipe organ.

Father Paul Felix, Annunciation pastor, said, “I think the IGNITE campaign is important for the Archdiocese and our parishes because it addresses our shared needs and provides opportunities to live out our discipleship in the mission we have as a local diocesan Church.”

He said the IGNITE campaign addresses all the areas that impact the Church’s outward expression of its teachings in matters of faith and morals, sacred worship and sacramental life as well as outreach in service and charity.

“These are all visible signs of our communion with God, the angels and saints, the souls in purgatory and with one another,” he said. “It is important for every parishioner throughout our Archdiocese to recognize that God has brought all of us together as a family united, with our Archbishop, in faith. And we desire to support the work of the Church with grateful and generous hearts.”

Bryant Chapman, chairman for the campaign at Immaculate Conception Catholic Church in Sealy, said the church will use the funds to improve the parking lot with lighting, striping and sealing; re-keying the property, installing a new phone system, updating technology in the CCE classrooms and replacing carpeting in the church.

“Some of these improvements have already been done,” he said. “My wife (Marcie) and I are supporting IGNITE because we believe the things in our parish as well at the diocesan level are things that are needed and worthwhile.”

Chapman said every parishioner across the Archdiocese should support this campaign because the Church is the Body of Christ.

“Although we sometimes refer to the church as a building, it is really the people; our brothers and sisters united in Christ,” he said. “The goals of the IGNITE campaign are all designed to benefit us and our brothers and sisters.”

Chapman said, “I would encourage everyone to participate in the IGNITE campaign to whatever degree you can.” †