Honoring Our Lady of Guadalupe
December 20, 2011
Louise Kelly /Texas Catholic Herald
HOUSTON — Sponsored by the Archdiocesan Guadalupana Association, the annual procession and Mass honoring Our Lady of Guadalupe drew thousands to downtown Houston Dec. 4 for singing, dancing and devotion to the Virgin Mary.
Photo courtesy of Gustavo Cortes / TV 7 Productions
More than 30 groups of matachines dancers in elaborate costumes danced for nearly a mile behind a large portrait of “La Morenita” as they processed to the George R. Brown for a Mass celebrated by Daniel Cardinal DiNardo. Heavy, cold rain began pouring during this year’s procession, sending dancers scrambling to cover their elaborate feather headdresses with garbage bags and rain coats. Undeterred, they continued joyfully dancing in the downpour.
Our Lady of Guadalupe, who is the patroness of the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston and of all the Americas, appeared to a humble peasant Juan Diego in 1531 with instructions to have a church built in her honor near Mexico City. She inspired millions of Mexicans to come to Christ. †