Give to the Diocesan Services Fund
March 15, 2011
HOUSTON — The annual appeal for the 2011 Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston Diocesan Services Fund kicked off last month and is still underway. The theme is “He who hears you, hears Me” (Luke 10:16). The response of discipleship to follow Christ’s call always involves stewardship of the many gifts we are called to share — in time, talent and resources. Answering the call of discipleship through DSF is the most concrete and effective way to benefit the common good of the entire Archdiocese. Each year DSF operates in the Archdiocese to help the Church carry out the ministries of teaching and sanctifying. Of the 60-plus programs under its umbrella, DSF brings the needed financial resources to carry out these same ministries, including support for the Offices of Continuing Christian Education, Vocations and Youth Ministry, among the many others. For more information about DSF, call Development Records at 713-659-5461 or visit †