Change? We got this!
November 8, 2011
CLAIRE ANDERSON, ST. IGNATIUS LOYOLA “I am excited that my generation will be the one to grow into our faith while the new Roman Missal is being introduced. We have been incorporating some of the new Mass parts into our celebrations and I like that by singing more of the prayers and responses, we are feel that we truly are lifting our voices to the Lord in praise and worship. The changes that the Vatican is issuing around the world also show that the Catholic Church, while very traditional, is always changing and adapting to adore our father completely in the modern world.” KAY COLEMAN, CHRIST THE GOOD SHEPHERD PARISH “I love how the new Roman Missal emphasizes what the sacrifice at the altar truly means for us and what it affects! With the correct translations, we will be able to understand that it is not a bodily healing that takes place, but rather a spiritual one (“and my soul shall be healed”). It will also help us recognize that it is only through the true power of the Holy Spirit within the priest, received at his ordination, that he is able to perform this miracle (“and with your spirit”). With these changes and many others, the new Roman Missal will help me feel part of the immense spirituality of the Mass and be able to better comprehend what a gift it is to have the Eucharist.” BRIDGETTE DOBESH, ST. JUSTIN MARTYR “The new translation of the Roman Missal is more specific than generic and proves how much of God’s love is shown. Even though changing the Roman Missal will mean re-learning what we already know about our Lord. It gets us closer to the first translation known to Catholics from the Latin language to the English language.” CLAIRE GILROY, ST. LAURENCE PARISH “As Catholics, we believe in the unity of the Church and the members within it. The new Roman Missal will allow the Church to enter into an intimate connection with the members of the early Church. With the new translation being more exact to the words used by those who founded and supported the Catholic faith, we will be able to find a deeper meaning in the Mass and connect our hearts with the Communion of Saints.” GABRIELLA JACKSON, ST. PETER THE APOSTLE PARISH “I think that the new Roman Missal will add to my understanding of the Mass. Sometimes when I am in Mass, I know that I simply recite the words that I have been taught. But now with the change in some parts of the Mass, I will really have to think about what I am saying and why it is I am saying these new words instead of what we used to say.” TYLER KUBALA, MOST HOLY TRINITY PARISH “The new Roman missal is an opportunity for Catholics to understand where the prayers that we say in Mass come from. Knowing the history of the prayers that we say enhances our understanding of the Mass and allows us to have a better connection with the Blessed Sacrament.” PAOLO LACANLALE, ST. MAXIMILLIAN KOLBE PARISH “To me the new Roman Missal will get us closer to completely understanding the Word. Of course it’ll help us develop a deeper love for God without leaving any single thing out, be it significant or maybe just one word.” HILARIO LUMBRERAS III, CORPUS CHRISTI PARISH “The new Roman Missal will allow us to better understand the way Jesus wanted us to love the Eucharist. The older translation allowed us to adore the Eucharist, but the new translation puts the ritual into the words Christ wanted us to use. Helping us continue our never ending journey with our beloved savior Jesus Christ.” KATIE MORRISON, ST. MARTHA PARISH “The new Roman Missal is going to put a new meaning behind the prayers I’ve heard my whole life. It will give me a fresh perspective on what is happening during the Eucharistic.” STEVEN SCHROEDER, ST. HELEN PARISH “The new Roman Missal will help everyone to appreciate the Eucharist better, because with the improved Missal, we can more accurately understand what is truly happening in the Eucharist. With the new Missal we are returning closer to our original roots, and becoming closer with God. Any step we can take in getting closer to understanding God, we should embark upon, so that one day we can all join God in Heaven.” SYDNEY STANDA, ST. CLARE OF ASSISI PARISH “Because the new Roman Missal goes back to a more literal translation of the Latin, it will allow me to have a better understanding of how the Mass was meant to be done. This would help me to better appreciate the Eucharist because although in some places the words are only slightly changed, they have a very different meaning. This will allow me to see what is being done and said in a different light.” JACOB MINJAREZ, ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST PARISH (BAYTOWN) “The new Roman Missal to me will express a broader experience towards my relationship with the Eucharist. By the new translation of the Eucharistic prayers it adds a sense of more tradition and targets the spirituality of the soul in the English language. The entirety will help me and others grow deeper in the meaning and give us a true sense of more fervent prayer towards the holy celebration of the Eucharist.” |