Catholic Relief Services Collection, April 2-3

March 29, 2011

On the weekend of April 2 to 3 at parishes around the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston, the Catholic Relief Services Collection will be held to support a ministry that helps the poor and vulnerable around the globe. In particular, CRS is in the midst of assessing people's needs in Japan. The funds collected April 2 to 3 will be immediately available to provide assistance to the victims of the recent earthquake and tsunami. The CRS collection is an opportune time to express support for those affected in the region of the disaster. The donations will be used by CRS for the immediate humanitarian needs of the most vulnerable and to support the local Catholic Church in Japan in its ongoing mission. From providing pastoral care to fighting for fair laws that support refugee and immigrant families, from reuniting separated families to protecting vulnerable children, each year the CRS collection supports work which defends the life and value of each human person. Please continue to pray for the victims of the tragedy in Japan and that those who remain missing will soon be reunited with their loved ones. For more information about CRS, visit