Bayou Awakening, March 16 to 18

March 9, 2012

HOUSTON — Bayou Awakening is a retreat for college-age young adults (18-25), led by young adults. Bayou Awakening #18 will be held March 16 to18, 2012, at Camp Kappe, 7738 Camp Kappe Rd., Plantersville. The retreat is sponsored by the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston.

Awakening is a three-day structured retreat designed especially for college-aged men and women, based loosely on the Cursillo and Search programs. It is an intensive experience centered on Catholic teachings and experiencing Christ.

An Awakening retreat features a series of talks, including: “What is a Christian?” “Reconciliation,” “Prayer,” “Faith,” “Discernment” and “The Mystical Body of Christ.” There are opportunities for small group conversation, quiet prayer time, Mass and confession.

For more information, visit or contact the Office of Young Adult and Campus Ministry at 713-741-8778, or †