AYC calls youth to be ‘Created Anew’
April 10, 2012
Whenever 2,100 youth gather, it's sure to be an interesting scene. But when they gather for the Archdiocesan Youth Conference, everyone knows that it will be a weekend filled with prayer, worship, singing, laughter and celebration.
AYC has a long 56-year history. It is a wonderful experience of faith and fellowship for high school-aged youth. What's unique about this conference, unlike a majority of other experiences, is that teens assist in the planning of the weekend event under the guidance and leadership of the Office of Youth Ministry staff and volunteer adult team leaders.
Participants will experience the diversity of the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston and will also have the opportunity to share and deepen their faith through daily liturgy and prayer experiences. This year's annual summer outreach will take place July 20 to 22 at the Hilton Americas Hotel under the theme "Created Anew." This year's theme is based on Ephesians 2:13-18.
The primary focus for this year's AYC is to rejuvenate the faith life of our youth, to help them get serious about life in Christ and His Church, and to learn the truth of the Gospel. This gathering also provides youth with a unique opportunity to interact with Cardinal DiNardo and to pray, dialogue and reflect on the role of the young Church of Galveston-Houston.
This is accomplished with the assistance of some of the best national speakers. This year's gathering will feature powerful witnesses from Steve Angrisano, Mary Bielski, Mark Hart and Brian Johnson.
Angrisano is undoubtedly one of the most effective and versatile ministry leaders in the Church today. Those who are young (and young at heart) embrace the passionate message of faith, hope and love woven throughout his music and storytelling. Always rooted in a spirit of humility and faithfulness, Angrisano has a keen intuition regarding the needs of any audience and engages them with his unique blend of humor, song, story and interaction.
Through engaging talks and humorous skits, Bielski hopes to inflame the hearts of teens to a deeper relationship with Christ and a passionate life given totally to the Lord.
Hart serves full time as Executive Vice President for Life Teen. He is a best-selling author and popular Catholic speaker. Mark's weekly podcast and DVD Bible Study series, "T3," are helping thousands of people study Scripture in new ways.
For over 26 years, Johnson has worked in the evangelization of youth in hopes of pointing them to Christ. He does this through personal witness, catechesis and song.
Since AYC is a local Catholic event, sacramental celebrations are woven throughout the weekend and the need for priests to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation is great. All priests will receive information regarding scheduled times where they are needed to journey with the teens.
For registration information, please contact your parish youth ministry leader or Catholic high school campus ministry department. Interested people can also check the Archdiocesan website at archgh.org/youthministry/ayc.