ALVAREZ: Anxiety is prevalent in us all

April 25, 2023

Anxiety is rooted in fear of perceived danger. What that means is that we’re perceiving something is going to go wrong in the future. But what Jesus tells us is to come back to the present moment. Be where your feet are because tomorrow will have enough trouble. Although it is okay to be concerned about the future, we shouldn’t be worried about it.

There is a difference between experiencing anxiety and having an anxiety disorder. Anxiety becomes a mental health concern when it starts interrupting your day-to-day functioning — when the distress is taking away from your ability to engage with people as a friend or engage in your job or role you might have.

Not all anxiety is bad. For example, if you are going to confession, you may experience some anxiety, which is normal. Negative thoughts are normal but not helpful. But just because we think something may happen or is happening does not make it fact. We have to identify and observe our thinking. We always have thoughts, but not every thought is accurate. Accepting this self-induced anxiety as reality can impact not only ourselves but also how we interact with others.

Many times, self-care can be hijacked by the marketing industry, encouraging you to “treat yourself” and spend money on distractions. That is not what self-care is. It is what feeds your soul or what fuels you and gives you back energy. That depends on your personality. You might need something as simple as buying a coffee, reading a book, going fishing, exercising or taking time for self-reflection.

For others, that may be speaking to a therapist once a week. Asking yourself, “What do I need?” is selfless and important. It can be thought of as selfish, but we cannot give when we don’t receive. We cannot pour out an empty cup. It needs to be filled.

Our thoughts, therefore, impact our perspective and our emotions. In turn, our actions are affected because our emotions are lived experiences within our bodies.

What does God tell us about anxiety? Your homework is to look it up in Mt 6:25-34. Why do we not take God at His word? God is telling us, “I will take care of you.”

Consider time with the Lord to start your day. That ultimately sets you up to feel better versus rushing in the morning — setting aside that time as a priority with no interruptions. Grounded in this reality, we are then able to encounter those difficulties. Be reminded that grace exists in the present moment.

One of the beauties of Catholicism is the grace we can encounter in the present moment. Our faith teaches us that while carrying our cross, Jesus gives us the grace to encounter difficulty. No one is happy all the time, no matter what social media or society tries to convey. Emotions are experienced all day, every day. They impact our thinking, decision-making, behavior, learning, creativity and performance. There is a physiological response to emotions. The more we try to get rid of emotions, the stronger they become. Being aware of our emotions helps us to be able to be more intentionally present. Emotions are meant to be indicators, and identifying your fuel is what will enable you to not run on empty.

So, in conclusion, become more aware. Identify and observe your thoughts. “Name it to tame it!” Seek helpful tools and resources and be grounded in truth.

Struggling and suffering are very real, so if you need help, reach out to a professional therapist. For more resources on mental health and for a list of Catholic counseling organizations in the Archdiocese, visit

Melissa Alvarez is an assistant associate director with the Office of Evangelization and Catechesis and Ministry with Persons with Disabilities. Photo by Fred de Noyelle / Godong.