49th Annual DSF appeal begins

January 27, 2015

HOUSTON — St. Paul, in his first letter to his friend, Timothy, talks about the need for good works. St. Paul is speaking directly to the "haves" — those who have riches and are called to share their gifts with the whole community, especially those in need.

This marks the theme of the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston's Diocesan Services Fund 2015 (DSF) appeal, which begins with Commitment Weekend, Jan. 31 and Feb. 1: "Be Rich in Good Works... Ready to Share" (1 Timothy 6:18-19).

"It allows us to realize that our spiritual foundation in Christ Jesus, aided by the prayers of the mother of God, is what supplies us to reach out in good works, in generosity, in a liberality so we imitate the God who is even more generous and liberal toward us in goodness, in truth and in spiritual enrichment," said Daniel Cardinal DiNardo who is leading the DSF appeal.

Through DSF, local Catholics have an opportunity to learn more about and support 60 diocesan organizations and charitable ministries that receive much-needed financial resources. 

In past years, the Archdiocese has witnessed a strong response by local Catholics through the DSF and hopes to achieve the same results in 2015 as the needs continue to increase within the growing Archdiocese.

From offering well-rounded faith formation opportunities for youth and young adults, to providing excellent physical, medical and spiritual care to the poor and needy, to supporting those discerning the call to the priesthood or consecrated life, Cardinal DiNardo believes supporting DSF is critical to the future of the Church.

"Our young people are enthused about their faith," said Cardinal DiNardo. "They need formation. They want formation."

More than 40 percent of US Catholics are young adults and their continued formation from youth through adulthood is a top priority for the Church. The Archdiocesan Office of Young Adult & Campus Ministry, a ministry supported by DSF, promotes the young adult perspective within the Archdiocese and supports its ongoing Christian formation by providing resources and training to those responsible for this ministry in parishes and on college campuses. 

Its vision is to have the Church be a place where young men and women are at home, their gifts are acknowledged, and lives are supported and nourished. It provides opportunities for them to be heard and participate in servant leadership in worship, catechesis, social ministry and evangelization.

A DSF-supported ministry that provides for the needs of the poor is San José Clinic, known as the original safety-net clinic in Houston since 1922. The clinic has steadfastly grown into a leading provider of quality healthcare services for thousands of individuals and families in the Greater Houston area who struggle the most with accessing care. 

"In the course of these 90-plus years, massive number of doctors, nurses and other medical personal personnel have reached out in generous service to provide for the excellent physical, medical and I would say in the long-run, spiritual care of those who come to San José Clinic," Cardinal DiNardo said.

During this Year of Consecrated Life, as proclaimed by Pope Francis last November, all Catholics are called to thank God for the gifts members of religious orders have given the Church and the world, to join them in prayer and find practical ways to support them and their ministries. The focus on finding new vocations has also taken on a top priority. 

The Archdiocesan Office of Vocations, also supported by DSF, seeks to help those men and women who are discerning God's call to the priestly and religious life. The office promotes a favorable climate for vocations on all levels and collaborates with groups such as parish vocation committees, catechists, youth ministers, Catholic schools, the Family Life office, Serra clubs, Knights of Columbus, Catholic Daughters of America and others.

"We need priests and consecrated religious in our Archdiocese to share the burden of leadership of God's holy people and to bring out the gifts of God's holy people," Cardinal DiNardo said.

This year's DSF goal is $13,583,690 and to increase participation of the faithful in our Archdiocese.

"Every program that is supported by DSF helps us to grow richly in sharing the faith with one another and the world," Cardinal DiNardo said. "Please be rich in this good work. Share the faith."

Ministries Supported by the annual DSF Campaign
Apostleship of the Sea
Archdiocesan School Council
Catholic High School Scholarship Grants 
Catholic Schools Office 
Chapels (Holy Cross and Warren) 
Communications Office 
Ecumenism Commission 
Office of Evangelization and Catechesis 
Office of Worship Pastoral and Educational Ministry 

Angela House Catholic
haplain Corps 
Catholic Charities 
Correctional Ministries 
Foreign Missions 
Office of Justice & Peace/Catholic Campaign for Human Development 
Our Daily Bread 
San José Clinic 
St. Dominic Center for the Deaf

Clergy Pastoral Outreach 
Department of Seminarians
Diaconate Formation Program Good Leaders, Good Shepherds
Ministry to Priests 
Clergy Formation and Chaplaincy Services
Office of Vocations for Priesthood and Religious Life 
Permanent Diaconate Ministry 
Pope John XXIII Residence for Retired Priests 

Aging Ministry
Camp Kappe
Ethnic Ministries 
Family Life Ministry 
Family Retreat Center at Circle Lake 
Office of Adolescent Catechesis and Evangelization
Office of Hispanic Ministry
Respect Life Office 
Special Youth Services 
St. Dominic Village 
Vicar for Judicial Affairs (Metropolitan Tribunal) 
Young Adult and Campus Ministry