Support our retired and infirmed priests this weekend - Aug. 11-12
August 10, 2018
This weekend, Archdiocesan faithful will have a chance to offer their support to retired and infirmed priests who dedicated their years of active ministry to the tireless care of God's people.
Aug. 11 and 12 mark the annual Infirm Priests' Collection at all parishes in the Archdiocese. This collection is a major source of revenue through which the Archdiocese is able to provide much needed medical and emergency support to priests who are retired or ill.
The goal of the annual collection is to provide our ill or retired priests with our best care and support in this time of escalating medical costs. With over a third of our priests over age 65, the Archdiocese is facing more responsibilities as priests age or face serious illness.
Thank you for considering support of our retired and infirmed priests this upcoming weekend.