Parish leaders invited to Hispanic Ministry Conference Sept. 21

September 17, 2019

Parish leaders, priests, deacons, young adults and religious communities who provide pastoral care to the Hispanic community are invited to the Annual Hispanic Ministry Conference on Saturday, Sept. 21 at the St. Dominic Center Auditorium, 2403 Holcombe Blvd. from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

 With more than 50 percent of Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston parishioners being Hispanic, a bilingual conference “Una Iglesia, Un Solo Cuerpo: Fortaleciendo Lazos de Hermandad” / “One Church, One Body: Strengthening Fraternal Bonds.

The theme of the conference is inspired by the National V Encuentro for Hispanic/Latino Ministry in the United States. The Encuentro or Encounter invites Hispanic Catholics to respond together to the call of the New Evangelization as missionary disciples serving the entire Church. 

 This is a day of formation and resources where the participants will obtain tools to assist them in the accompaniment and pastoral work they have in their parish community, institution, or group.

 The keynote speaker will be Mar Muñoz-Visoso, Executive Director of the Secretariat for Cultural Diversity in the Church for the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.  She will be sharing two sessions focusing on the theological and pastoral reflection on the conference’s theme and about “Best Practices for Shared Parishes: So That They May All Be One.”

Hispanic Ministry Director Lazaro Contreras said, “We feel very blessed that we are able to continue this important gathering annually as a way of providing tools and formation to continue accompanying all Hispanic Catholics in this Archdiocese.”

He added, “This gathering also provides an opportunity to dialogue on how to respond together to the needs and challenges of the rapidly growing Hispanic/Latino Catholic population. At the same time, we have discussions on how to engage and contribute as evangelizing missionary disciples for the entire Church.”

The conference will be bilingual and will include breakout sessions in English and Spanish. Breakout sessions include topics in inclusion and diversity, ministry with persons with disabilities, leadership, discipleship and mission, building community, ministry with adolescents (Christus Vivit), stewardship, and spirituality.

Registration is available at:

More information: 713-741-8727,