Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo, President of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops Releases Easter Message Focusing on Easter’s Simple Joy
April 1, 2018
Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo, Archbishop of Galveston-Houston and President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, has issued the following statement on the simple joy of the Resurrection.
Full statement follows:
“Jesus lives. This is the simple message of Easter. And because Jesus lives — so does hope, so does love, and so do we. Although Christ knew the pain of the Cross and the isolation of the tomb, His Death and Resurrection gives us the joy of the Resurrection and the gift of eternal life.
Today, Christ offers us that gift of life and joy. How we chose to live that life, however, is up to us. Do we always treat one another as sisters and brothers in the eyes of God? Can we look beyond the distractions and despair of our own suffering to the hope of the world to come? Jesus endured the pain and isolation to show us the path to life.
So much of today’s culture tempts us to see one another as different, dividing us into ever more polarized camps. But, Jesus walked the Way of the Cross for everyone. Everyone is in need of His love, and everyone is offered His love.
This Easter morning, let us acknowledge the gift of life Christ has given us. Let us look into the empty tomb and proclaim with joy, proclaim with all our hearts and with our lives — that Jesus lives!
May God bless you. Happy Easter!”