The latest news from the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston


January 11, 2021

Archdiocese to host Respect Life prayer vigil, events

As part of a series of events calling for greater respect for human life, the Co-Cathedral of the Sacred Heart is hosting a prayer vigil with Eucharistic Adoration on Jan. 22, the National Day of Prayer for Legal Protection for the Unborn.

January 7, 2021

U.S. Bishops designate January to focus on national, local poverty issues

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) designated January as Poverty Awareness Month to draw attention to the plight of poverty in America.

December 23, 2020

Cardinal DiNardo to celebrate televised Christmas Day Mass

Daniel Cardinal DiNardo will celebrate a live televised Mass at 10 a.m. on Christmas Day from the Co-Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in Houston.

December 20, 2020

Christmas at the Cathedrals 2020

The Co-Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in Houston and St. Mary Cathedral Basilica in Galveston announce their Christmas Liturgy schedules.

December 8, 2020

On the Moral Permissibility of Recently Announced Vaccines for COVID-19

Cardinal DiNardo offers some clarifications regarding the moral permissibility of using the COVID-19 vaccines developed by the companies Pfizer and Moderna.

November 17, 2020

Statement regarding Father Manuel La Rosa-Lopez

The Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston released a statement regarding Father Manuel La Rosa-Lopez on Nov. 17.

November 10, 2020

Statement of Cardinal DiNardo on McCarrick Report

Daniel Cardinal DiNardo of Galveston-Houston issued a statement following the release of the Vatican's report on former Cardinal Theodore McCarrick.

October 29, 2020

Catholic Charities of Galveston-Houston partners with Harris County to administer financial assistance

Harris County has partnered with Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston to serve as the administrator for $40 million in emergency financial assistance to help Harris County residents who are experiencing financial distress as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

October 25, 2020

Statement of Cardinal DiNardo on the naming of Abp. Gregory to College of Cardinals

Daniel Cardinal DiNardo of Galveston-Houston issued a statement following the naming of Archbishop Wilton D. Gregory of Washington to the College of Cardinals by Pope Francis today.


Media Relations

1700 San Jacinto St.
Houston, Texas 77002
Fax: 713-659-3444

Jo Ann Zuñiga
Media Relations Manager

Jonah Dycus
Secretariat Director of Communications