Prayers for our next auxiliary bishop
May 1, 2012
Catholic News Service Photo/Paul Haring
Dear Friends,
It is my extraordinary privilege and pleasure to congratulate Bishop-elect George Arthur Sheltz on his appointment to be the seventh Auxiliary Bishop of Galveston-Houston. Our Archdiocese is blessed to have in this role Bishop-elect Sheltz, who will bring his gifts of leadership and pastoral wisdom to this new appointment.
Bishop-elect Sheltz is well-loved and respected by the priests and people of this Archdiocese, where his faith took root. A member of a family that produced many Houston vocations, Bishop-elect Sheltz represents the long history of local clergy who have given their lives in selfless service to the Lord. As a parish priest and pastor for 36 years in this Archdiocese, Bishop-elect Sheltz has been a calm and kind shepherd to so many of our Catholic faithful at churches across our local Church.
More recently, as Vicar General and Chancellor, he has ably assisted me in the governance of this Archdiocese. His serene demeanor in every administrative and pastoral situation signifies a man who is strong in his faith in the Lord and in the Church. As a bishop, he will surely be an effective, generous and joyful preacher of God’s love and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
My prayers and collaboration are with you, Bishop-elect Sheltz, as you begin your service as auxiliary bishop of this diocese. I look forward to working with you as my chief collaborator in this growing, diverse local Church. May God bless you and guide you as you love and lead the Church with the heart of Christ.
Yours in Christ,
Daniel Cardinal DiNardo
Archbishop of Galveston-Houston