PHOTOS: New priests encouraged to “grow in holiness”

June 5, 2012

Photos by Rebecca Torrellas
Daniel Cardinal DiNardo ordained four priests this past Saturday, June 2. Alvaro Josemaria Interiano (LEFT), Alfonso Dat-Nhan Tran, Richard Lucien Millette and Orrin Nicholas Halepeska are the newest priests for the Archdiocese.

Father Interiano (LEFT), Father Halepska, Father Tran and Father Millette enter the Co-Cathedral of the Sacred Heart during the procession of the Mass of Ordination.

The four candidates for priesthood accept a round of applause at the start of the liturgy.

Father Millette promises to Cardinal DiNardo respect and obedience to the archbishop and his successors.

To watch Cardinal DiNardo's homily from the Mass of Ordination, visit

Cardinal DiNardo lays hands on Father Halepska during the Rite of Ordination.

The four new priests share a congratulatory moment with one another after the Mass.

Cardinal DiNardo shares a relaxed moment with the new priests at the close of the two-hour liturgy.