Immaculate Conception Dispensation for 2024

October 29, 2024

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

As you know, this year December 8th, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, occurs on the Second Sunday of Advent. Therefore, the liturgical celebration of the Immaculate Conception is transferred to Monday, December 9th.

In the past, it was understood that when this situation occurred the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception was not a Holy Day of Obligation due to its proximity to the obligation of Sunday. A recent clarification, however, from the Holy See stated that the obligation for the faithful to attend Mass for the Solemnity always remains in force.

As we are quickly approaching the end of the liturgical year, I am aware that many parishes and families already have in place the schedules for Advent and Christmas, and that this will cause confusion due to the short notice of this change. Thus, taking this into account, I have decided to grant a dispensation from this obligation in the Archdiocese this year.

Therefore, in accord with canon 87 §1, I hereby grant a dispensation from the obligation to attend Mass on December 9, 2024, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, to all the faithful of the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston. [Please note that in the future the obligation to participate at Mass for this Solemnity will be maintained beginning in 2025.]

As the celebration of the Blessed Mother under her title of the Immaculate Conception is the Patronal Solemnity of our nation, I encourage all the faithful to make a special effort to attend Mass on December 9th even though there is no obligation to do so this year.

With assurances of my prayers for you and your family, and relying on the prayers of the Mother of God, I am

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Daniel Cardinal DiNardo
Archbishop of Galveston-Houston